
Advancing – COMC 2024

Advancing to Invitational Competitions

Students with the top COMC scores can earn invitations to higher-level mathematics competitions, including the Canadian Math Olympiad (CMO) and its qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR).

The CMO and Repêchage are intended for top student mathematicians interested in representing Canada at the International Math Olympiad (IMO) as part of Math Team Canada or other invitational international competitions, such as the European Girls’ Mathematics Competition (EGMO). 

Official participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, regardless of where they currently live.

COMC 2024 Participants Who Can Expect an Invitation

A — S

Agarwal, Ansh (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Ahmed, Manasseh (Marianopolis College)
Ambrose, Jack (Kingston Secondary School)
Bai, Aidan (Ingenius STEAM)
Bai, Ryan (Ingenius STEAM)
Bei, Warren (Rockridge Secondary School)
Charlton, Jack (Henry Wise Wood High School)
Chen, Aiden (Old Scona)
Chen, Eric (Richmond Hill High School)
Chen, Jason (TT Math School)
Chen, Jeffrey (David Thompson Secondary)
Chen, Jerry (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Chen, Matthew (Richmond Hill High School)
Chen, Patrick (St. Robert Catholic High School)
Chen, Rachel (Marlborough School)
Chen, Ricky (Lillian Osborne)
Cong, Zhiwei (Appleby College)
Cui, Stephen (Odle Middle School)
Dai, Perry (University of Toronto Schools)
Dani, Jiya (Liberal Arts and Science Academy)
Deng, Anna (Basis Independent Silicon Valley Upper)
Ding, Qixuan (Sir Winston Churchill High School)
Dong, Xinyan (Peter) (Burnaby North Secondary)
Du, Jerry – Bangzheng (Gleneagle Secondary School)
Fu, Yuxin Chris (TT Math School)
Fu, Yuyang (St. George’s School)
Guo, Daniel (St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School)
Guo-Lu, Allen (Western Canada High School)
Ha, Andrew (Burnaby Mountain Secondary School)
Han, Johnny (Port Moody Secondary)
Han, Yuxuan (Iroquois Ridge H.S.)
He, Junming (Glenlyon Norfolk School)
Huang, Richard (Fraser Heights Secondary)
Ivanescu, Matthew (Sister Annata Brockman)
Izadkhast, Sophia (Laureates Academy for Gifted Students)
Jeong, Yunseo (Selena) (St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School)
Kamali, Nick (Laureates Academy for Gifted Students)
Kong, Gabriel (St. George’s School)
Lai, Reading (Richmond Hill High School)
Li, Christopher (Olympiads School)
Li, Donald (Oakville Trafalgar High School)
Li, Elaine (University of Toronto Schools)
Li, Michael (Iroquois Ridge H.S.)
Li, Ming Zhe (Marianopolis College)
Li, Rex (Carleton University – Math Enrichment Centre)
Li, Ryan (Sir Winston Churchill Secondary)
Li, Tiger (TT Math School)
Li, Xiangyi (Carleton University – Math Enrichment Centre)
Li, Xiuming (Collingwood School)
Li, Zander (Laurel Heights Secondary School)
Lin, Ethan (Seaquam Secondary)
Lin, Warren Maximilian Yu-Lang (Toronto STEM School)
Liu, Jialin (Halifax Grammar School)
Liu, Jiaqi (Halifax Grammar School)
Liu, Katrina (Canyon Crest Academy)
Liu, Yanxi (Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School)
Lu, Isaac (Ivy Path School)
Lu, YiHeng (Heritage Woods Secondary School)
Luo, David (Montreal Confucius School)
Luo, Yuzhong (Port Moody Secondary)
Ma, Andrew (University of Toronto Schools)
Mao, Seabert (Saratoga High School)
Mehta, Aruhant (Rootofmath Academy)
Min, Bailey (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Ng, Austin (David Thompson Secondary)
Ning, Qi (The Woodlands Secondary School)
Ouyang, Raymond (William Lyon Mackenzie CI)
Ptashny, Rafael (Saddle River Day School)
Pu, Jingkun (Fieldstone School)
Qiu, Andrew (Carleton University – Math Enrichment Centre)
Qiu, James (University of Toronto Schools)
Qu, Greta (Meritus Academy)
Richardson, Shotaro (Westmount Charter School)
Shan, Tommy (Richmond Hill High School)
Shashaani, Sam (Richmond Hill High School)
Shen, Zhekai (Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated To Sisu)
Sheth, Parth (Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School)
Shi, Nicolas (Trinity College School)
Song, James (University of Toronto Schools)
Sun, Jason (Iroquois Ridge H.S.)
Sun, Jeff (University of Toronto Schools)
Sun, Jia Hong (Collingwood School)
Sun, Michael (Appleby College)

T — Z

Tang, Emma (University of Toronto Schools)
Tang, Jason (Strathcona High School)
Tong, Chunyang (Columbia International College)
Tu, Alex (The Woodlands Secondary School)
Wang, Anji (Earl of March Secondary School)
Wang, Edward (LinkedKey)
Wang, Ian (TT Math School)
Wang, Jack (St. George’s School)
Wang, Jessie (Allen High School)
Wang, Jordan (Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School)
Wang, Joshua (Brookfield Central High School)
Wang, Rayson (Heritage Woods Secondary School)
Wang, Ryan (AlphaStar Academy)
Wang, Zheng (Iroquois Ridge H.S.)
Wang, Zirui (Port Moody Secondary)
Wen, Victor (AY Jackson Secondary School)
Winmill, Caelan (Markham District High School)
Wu, Alexander (St. Robert Catholic High School)
Wu, Han (Southridge School)
Wu, Jonathan (Waterford)
Wu, Leo (Bayview Secondary School)
Wu, Minghan (St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School)
Wu, Qiye (Shanghai High School International Division)
Xiao, Yingshan (Shanna) (Oakville Trafalgar High School)
Xie, Weian (Andrew) (The Hotchkiss School)
Xing, Honjar (Olympiads School)
Xu, Andy (London Central Secondary School)
Xu, Daniel (Merivale High School)
Xu, Steven (Richmond Hill High School)
Xue, Edward (Western Canada High School)
Xue, Franklyn (Inglemoor High School)
Yang, Alex (Vernon Barford Junior High School)
Yang, Robert (Walter Murray Collegiate)
Yang, Xuhan (Richmond Hill High School)
Yang, Zhuo (MathRover)
Yao, Danie (Burnaby North Secondary)
Ye, Ruiyang (Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School)
Ye, Sohon (Dawson College)
Yiu, Gee Yun (No.2 High School Of East China Normal University)
You, Gavin (Iroquois Ridge H.S.)
Yu, Gabriel (White Oaks Secondary School)
Yu, Jiahao (Oakville Trafalgar High School)
Yu, Jonathan (St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School)
Yu, Yue (Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy)
Yuan, Jimmy (Henry Wise Wood High School)
Yuan, Shupeng (John Abbott College)
Zamani, Erfan (Laureates Academy for Gifted Students)
Zhan, Mike (Richmond Hill High School)
Zhang, Alexander (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Zhang, Benjamin (Lynbrook High School)
Zhang, Jeffrey (TT Math School)
Zhang, Jeremy (Richmond Hill High School)
Zhang, Legolas (Vincent Massey Secondary School)
Zhang, Lei (Olympiads School)
Zhang, Lejun (Sir Winston Churchill Secondary)
Zhang, Nanxuan (École Internationale Lucille-Teasdale)
Zhang, Sophie (TT Math School)
Zhang, Xiao Bo (LinkedKey)
Zhang, Xuanyi (Upper Canada College)
Zhang, Zijun (Selwyn House School)
Zhao, Tianyue (AY Jackson Secondary School)
Zheng, Lauren (Guelph CVI)
Zhou, Clement (Semiahmoo Secondary School)
Zhou, Eric (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Zhou, Jerry (Orchard Park Public School)
Zhou, Pengyan (Abbey Park High School)
Zhou, Ryan Han Shen (West Vancouver Secondary)
Zhou, Siqi (Oakridge Secondary School)
Zhu, Alex (William Lyon Mackenzie CI)
Zhu, Edward (Bayview Secondary School)
Zhu, Matthew (Carleton University – Math Enrichment Centre)
Zhu, Ryan (St. George’s School)
Zou, Jackie (Richmond Hill High School)
Zuo, Chenghao (University Hill Secondary School)

Top competitors who meet the CMO eligibility criteria and who scored 60.5/80 or higher on the COMC will be invited to participate in the CMO in March. Invitations to the CMO are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) between late January and late February.

See our CMO page for more details.

Eligible students who scored at least 55/80 and less than 60.5/80 on the COMC, will be invited to participate in the Repêchage at the beginning of February. Invitations to the Repêchage are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) in mid January.

When the results for the Repêchage are determined, the top performers are then sent invitations to the CMO.

See our Repêchage page for more details.

The top COMC students who aren’t invited to the CMO, but who meet the eligibility criteria and are in Grade ten or earlier, may be invited to the CJMO.  Invitations to the CJMO are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) in late February.

The CMO page contains more information about the CJMO.