The following resources may be useful for teachers and other educators:

CMS Mathematical Competitions participate in the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC), held each November. Students from across Canada and around the world are invited to compete in this written competition held at their own schools. Besides prizes and awards, the top students are get invitations to the elite national math competitions such as the Canadian Math Olympiad and from there, they could be invited to train and represent Canada at international events such as the APMO, EGMO and even the International Mathematical Olympiad!
National Museum of Mathematics, the National Museum of Mathematics, is an award-winning museum that highlights the role of mathematics in illuminating the patterns and structures all around us. It is located in New York City. Its dynamic exhibits, galleries, and programs are designed to stimulate inquiry, spark curiosity, and reveal the wonders of mathematics. The Museum’s innovative exhibits will engage visitors of every age, from 1 to 100!
Free STEM Resources Provided by Public Libraries”Free STEM Resources Provided by Public Libraries” offers a curated list of free STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) resources provided by public libraries in the United States. It highlights various programs and materials that libraries offer to support STEM education for learners of all ages.

Art Canada Institute
Kazuo Nakamura Perspective Drawing Slope And Equations Of Lines Art Canada Institute Teacher Resource Guide has been designed to complement the Art Canada Institute online art book Kazuo Nakamura: Life & Work by John G. Hatch. These activities were prepared with Laura Briscoe & Jeni Van Kesteren of Art of Math Education.
Jock Macdonald Shading Techniques And Mathematical Analysis Of Circles ACI Teacher Resource Guide invites students to use Macdonald’s abstract visual language in order to practice using equations to calculate the area and circumference of circles.

CEMC Courseware lessons, interactive activities, enrichment challenges, and practice with feedback, provided by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) at the University of Waterloo.
OEIS® – The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® online encyclopedia of integer sequences is a good way to explore the wealth of patterns that were studied throughout history. If you have a pattern that you are trying to understand, the encyclopedia can give you suggestions of how your pattern is formed.
Project Euler collection of mathematical puzzles that can be solved by writing computer programs; ranked by difficulty (from beginner to professor-level).
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection collection of small computer programs which implement one-player puzzle games.
TERC is an education research and development organization in Cambridge, MA whose mission is to improve mathematics, science and technology teaching and learning.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), addressing all levels of math education.
Convergence is an online magazine on the history of mathematics and its use in teaching, published by the Mathematical Association of America.
Manga High quality math games including Intermediate, Middle and High School math games. Teachers can invite and guide students through math curriculum.
MathPickle mathematical puzzles, games and unsolved problems for K-12 teachers.
NCTM Illuminations site contains information for teachers and students from K-12. It offers online multimedia investigations, classroom video vignettes, standard-based lesson plans, links to reviewed websites and more.
Math Forum at the [US] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Math Forum has a rich history as an online hub for the mathematics education community.

Math Central you have any nagging mathematical problems or questions you can’t solve, or are just plain curious about something, Math Central is here for you: their panel of Quandaries and Queries consultants will try to answer your question.
Do you have a suggestion for this list? Please email us with your recommendation and a brief description.