Advancing to Invitational Competitions
Students with the top COMC scores can earn invitations to higher-level mathematics competitions, including the Canadian Math Olympiad (CMO) and its Qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR).
The CMO and CMOQR are intended for top student mathematicians interested in representing Canada at the International Math Olympiad (IMO) as part of Math Team Canada. Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, regardless of where they currently live.
Top competitors who meet the CMO eligibility criteria and who scored 69/80 or higher on the 2022 COMC, will be invited to participate in the CMO in March. Invitations to the CMO are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) in early February.
See our CMO page for more details.
If a student would have qualified for a CMO invitation, but scored between 63.5/80 and 68.5/80 on the 2022 COMC, the CMS will invite them to participate in the Repêchage in February. Invitations to the Repêchage are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) in late January.
Competitors successful on the Repêchage then earn invitations to the CMO.
See our Repêchage page for more details.
The top students who aren’t invited to the CMO, but who meet the eligibility criteria and are in Grade ten or earlier, may be invited to the CJMO. Invitations to the CJMO are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) in late February.
The CMO page contains more information about the CJMO.