Gold Award: |
Sophia Izadkhast Laureates Academy for Gifted Students, (Richmond Hill, ON.)
Austin Ng David Thompson Secondary, (Vancouver, BC)
Wenbo Wang Sir Winston Churchill, (Vancouver, BC)
Edward Xue Western Canada High School, (Calgary, AB)
Xiaozhou (Ryan) Yao Crestwood Preparatory College, (Toronto, ON)
Ruiyang Ye Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School, (Calgary, AB)
Zhengyuan Zhou Collingwood School, (West Vancouver, BC)
Silver Award: |
Tiger Li TT Math School, (Unionville, ON)
Bronze Award: |
Alan Bai Crestwood Preparatory College, (Toronto, ON)
Honourable Mentions: |
Manasseh Ahmed Marianopolis College, (Westmount, QC)
Glenn Bi Vernon Barford School, (Edmonton, AB)
Khloe Chang Western Canada High School, (Calgary, AB)
Alex Chen Semiahmoo Secondary School, (Surrey, BC)
Evan Chen Lauremont School, (Richmond Hill, ON)
Jerry Chen Lauremont School, (Richmond Hill, ON)
Tiffany Chow Academy for Gifted Children P.A.C.E., (Richmond Hill, ON)
Zhiwei Cong Appleby College, (Oakville, ON)
Dainel Ding Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Kefeng Ding Montreal Confucius School, (Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QC)
Ethan Fu W.H. Morden Public School, (Toronto, ON)
Shahin Ghodratiyajloo Laureates Academy for Gifted Students, (Richmond Hill, ON.)
Daniel Huai London central SS, (London, ON)
Shanti Huang University of Toronto Schools, (Toronto, ON)
Matthew Ivanescu Sister Annata Brockman, (Edmonton, AB)
Yiling (Elaine) Jiang Ashbury College, (Ottawa, ON)
Chinmay Jindal Harold M. Brathwaite Secondary School, (Toronto, ON)
Nick Kamali Laureates Academy for Gifted Students, (Richmond Hill, ON.)
Yonghyeon Kwon Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, (Montréal, QC)
Victor Lei Westmount Charter School, (Calgary, AB)
Ming Zhe Li Marianopolis College, (Westmount, QC)
Xiuming Li Collingwood School, (West Vancouver, BC)
YiJia Li Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Youchun Li Marianopolis College, (Westmount, QC)
Marcus Liu University of Toronto Schools, (Toronto, ON)
Tivaun Lotfi Laureates Academy for Gifted Students, (Richmond Hill, ON.)
Bochen Lu Appleby College, (Oakville, ON)
Isaac Lu Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Yuzhong Luo Rootofmath Academy, (Coquitlam, BC)
Farbod Moghadari Laureates Academy for Gifted Students, (Richmond Hill, ON.)
Bryan Ning Eric Hamber Secondary School, (Vancouver, BC)
Hendy Ou St Robert CHS, (Markham, ON)
Pranav Pathak Westmount Charter School, (Calgary, AB)
Louis Qiu Trafalgar elementary school, (Vancouver, BC)
Vanessa Ren University of Toronto Schools, (Toronto, ON)
Shotaro Richardson Westmount Charter School, (Calgary, AB)
Victor Sarca TT Math School, (Unionville, ON)
Parth Sheth Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School, (Calgary, AB)
Michael Sun Appleby College, (Oakville, ON)
Trevor Sun TT Math School, (Unionville, ON)
Emma Tang University of Toronto Schools, (Toronto, ON)
Emma Tian University of Toronto Schools, (Toronto, ON)
Viana Vajdi Laureates Academy for Gifted Students, (Richmond Hill, ON.)
Andrew Wang A Y Jackson Secondary School, (Toronto, ON)
Dennis Wang David Thompson Secondary, (Vancouver, BC)
Richard Wang Lisgar Collegiate Institute, (Ottawa, ON)
Daniel Wei Marianopolis College, (Westmount, QC)
Justin Wei Old Scona Academic, (Edmonton, AB)
Alexander Wu Ivy Path School, (Toronto, ON)
Lang Xie Olympiads School, (North York, ON)
Fangrui Xu Marianopolis College, (Westmount, QC)
Heather Xu Old Scona Academic, (Edmonton, AB)
Kevin Xu Lillian Osborne School, (Edmonton, AB)
Alex Yang Vernon Barford Junior High School, (Edmonton, AB)
Nialan Young Walter Murray Collegiate, (Saskatoon, SK)
Erfan Zamani Laureates Academy for Gifted Students, (Richmond Hill, ON.)
Emily Jiayue Zeng University Transition Program, (Richmond, BC)
Brian Zhang TT Math School, (Unionville, ON)
Jeffrey Zhang TT Math School, (Unionville, ON)
Kaylyn Zhang University of Toronto Schools, (Toronto, ON)
Ruoyu Zhang TT Math School, (Unionville, ON)
Lucas Zhao Pickering College, (Newmarket, ON)
Shirah Zheng University of Toronto Schools, (Toronto, ON)
Jerry Zhou Orchard Park Public School, (London, ON)
Tony Chen Zhu TT Math School, (Unionville, ON)