2024 APMO: Great Performance by Canada!
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) extends its congratulations to the 10 students who recently represented Canada at the Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO). The 2024 APMO was held on Monday, March 11, with 39 countries participating and a total of 355 students.
Canada ranked 6th place and earned one gold medal, two silver medals, four bronze medals and three honourable mentions. The team members were:
- Warren Bei, gold medallist
- Perry Dai, silver medallist
- Ming Yang, silver medallist
- Ryan Bai, bronze medallist
- Marvin Mao, bronze medallist
- Eric Sui, bronze medallist
- William Zhao, bronze medallist
- Jerry Wang, honourable mention
- Ruojin (Joanna) Xie, honourable mention
- Robert Yang, honourable mention
For more information and the full results, visit the official APMO website.
The CMS would also like to acknowledge the valuable work of James Rickards, APMO organizer in Canada, as well as Kate Tretiakova, Alex Song, Victor Rong, Caleb Ji, Anna Kelley and Jerry Wang, who helped mark the 30 exam papers submitted by Canadian students.
Congratulations to all!
About the Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO)
The Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO) started in 1989. It is a mathematical competition for countries in the Pacific-Rim Region.
The APMO is held annually. Each participating country has a representative in charge of organizing the APMO locally. A central committee selects a paper with 5 questions to be solved in 4 hours, sends marking schemes and determines award winners.
About the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is the main national organization whose goal is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics. The Society’s activities cover the whole spectrum of mathematics including meetings, research publications, and the promotion of excellence in mathematics competitions that recognize outstanding student achievements. The CMS is a registered non-profit, charitable organization and depends on grants, funding, and generous donations from sponsors, benefactors and community members to be able to carry out its activities.