Media Release – February 24, 2022
Canadian Mathematical Society

Official Statement Regarding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Participation in the 2022 ICM

The CMS is deeply concerned by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the issues that it brings forth. In light of recent events, the CMS has made a decision regarding the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians, which is scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Russia currently does not provide the environment required for the important exchange of mathematical ideas in the spirit of academic freedom. Therefore, the CMS will not be sending any official delegates to the ICM in Russia, nor does it support participation in the event.

About the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)

The CMS is the main national organization whose goal is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics. The Society’s activities cover the whole spectrum of mathematics including: scientific meetings, research publications, and the promotion of excellence in mathematics competitions that recognize outstanding student achievements.

For more information, please contact:

Javad Mashreghi
Canadian Mathematical Society
Termeh Kousha
Executive Director
Canadian Mathematical Society
Edward Bierstone
Chair of the CMS International Affairs Committee
(CNC/IMU: Canadian National Committee for the International Mathematical Union)