Media Release – June 25, 2024
Canadian Mathematical Society


OTTAWA, Ontario – The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is pleased to announce that Dr. André Boileau (UQAM) is the recipient of the 2024 Adrien Pouliot Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to mathematics education. The award will be presented at the 2024 CMS Winter Meeting.

Dr. André Boileau obtained his PhD in mathematics, with a specialization in mathematical logic, from the Université de Montréal in 1977. He subsequently joined the Department of Mathematics at UQAM, where he contributed to the didactic section. As a full professor, he designed and taught nearly 50 different courses in mathematics teacher training programs. Dr. Boileau retired in 2013.

Throughout his career, Dr. Boileau has distinguished himself by his creativity and innovative spirit. In 1983, with the help of his colleague Jean-Baptiste Lapalme, he designed from the ground up courses for the Certificat d’Informatique Appliquée à l’Enseignement (CIAE) (Certificate in Computer Science Applied to Teaching). Aimed at high school math and science teachers, this certificate was designed to train computer science teachers and promote the integration of computer science applications in Quebec schools. Later, during a Quebec government reform, mathematics teachers were required to take additional disciplinary training, either in computer science or in the physical sciences. At UQAM, Dr. Boileau was put in charge of the computer science option of this new BESmaths program, comprising ten computer science courses of 3 credits each. In 2002, the Quebec government rescinded its decision to provide bi-disciplinary training for high school math teachers. Dr. Boileau designed, structured and supervised the MAT1812, MAT3812 and MAT4812 courses to compensate for the removal of the computer science option from the program. Finally, UQAM’s mathematics teacher training program also owes credit to Dr. Boileau for the design of MAT2700, MAT2005, MAT3005 and MAT3106, courses designed to maximize students’ learning both in terms of their training and their relationship with mathematics.

Dr. Boileau has also made a significant contribution to research, as evidenced by his numerous publications on the use of technology in mathematics teaching. He has also been and continues to be a regular speaker at conferences organized by the GRMS (Groupe des responsables de la mathématique au secondaire) and the AMQ (Association mathématique du Québec).

Today, Dr. Boileau remains deeply committed to exploring the possibilities offered by computers in mathematics education. He continues to design and develop powerful tools that he shares on his website, such as the P5Visuel interface he created. This “block” programming environment also facilitates the transition to more “classical” programming, and integrates features for web programming, dynamic geometry, turtle geometry and symbolic calculation.

A recurring theme among the praises of Dr. Boileau’s nominees is his generosity:

“Colleagues, teachers and students appreciate André Boileau’s great generosity, patience, tact and humility, insight and creativity, not to mention the great rigor and caution he always demonstrates.”

“His generous attitude towards all, manifested in particular by the availability on his site of multiple tools, simulations, applets for all to use, helped to make him a valued and influential member of the Quebec mathematics teaching community during his long career, and this continues.”

In summary, Dr. Boileau is passionately committed to the teaching of mathematics, particularly through the integration of technology. The originality of his contributions and his influence on many teachers throughout his career make him a pillar of mathematics didactics in Quebec and across Canada. The CMS is proud to present him with the 2024 Adrien Pouliot Award.

About the Adrien Pouliot Award
The Adrien Pouliot Award was inaugurated to recognize individuals who have made significant and sustained contributions to mathematics education in Canada. The award, the first of which was presented in 1995, is named after the second president of the CMS, Adrien Pouliot. Pouliot was a Professor at Laval University and was described as a world-class ambassador for science and mathematics and a great educator.

About the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is the main national organization whose goal is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics. The Society’s activities cover the whole spectrum of mathematics including meetings, research publications, and the promotion of excellence in mathematics competitions that recognize outstanding student achievements. The CMS is a registered non-profit, charitable organization and depends on grants, funding, and generous donations from sponsors, benefactors and community members to be able to carry out its activities.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Termeh Kousha
Executive Director
Canadian Mathematical Society
or Dr. Miroslav Lovric
Chair, CMS Education Committee
Canadian Mathematical Society