University of Regina
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Statistics
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of Regina invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in Statistics, starting July 1, 2022. The successful candidate is expected to conduct research in Statistics or related fields, supervise undergraduate or graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, teach a regular load of undergraduate and/or graduate courses in the department each year, and participate in public service and administrative duties, including assisting with the department’s Statistics and Actuarial Science programs.
More information about the Statistics program and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is available at: http://www.uregina.ca/science/mathstat
The successful applicant will hold a PhD in Statistics or a related field in the Statistical Sciences and is expected to develop an independent research program in the area of Statistics or a closely related field. All areas of research in Statistics will be considered for this position, although preference will be given to candidates that have research interests in Actuarial Science or Data Science.
All candidates will be evaluated on their prior research and teaching experience, their potential for growing their research and teaching programs, and their potential in attracting highly qualified personnel as students or researchers.
Candidates must apply online at https://urcareers.uregina.ca/postings/6131 and submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and a description of their most significant research contributions, a statement of future research plans, and a statement of teaching interests.
Candidates should arrange to have three letters of references sent directly to the Chair of the Search Committee, Dr. Shaun Fallat at shaun.fallat@uregina.ca prior to the closing date below. One such letter should specifically address the candidate’s teaching experience.
Review of applications will begin: December 1, 2021
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Regina is committed to achieving a representative workforce. Qualified diversity group members are encouraged to self-identify on their application.