
CLMC 2024

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The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is excited to announce the launch of our newest mathematical competition open to students in grades K-12, and suggested for students in grades 7-12: the Canada Lynx Mathematical Competition (CLMC)! The CLMC is an inclusive national math contest that provides feedback upon the completion of the exam to help develop students skills in math.  This competition was created to foster an interest in mathematics among students regardless of their skill level, to increase student confidence in their math abilities, and to present mathematics as a fun and playful subject to students. The CLMC will be available via PDF delivery.

The CLMC is 90 minutes long, consisting of 15 multiple-choice questions based on the grades 7-11 core curriculum.

The competition takes place at the end of September or beginning of October each year. This allows teachers to use the CLMC as an excellent tool to assess their students at the beginning of the school year! It also serves as great practice for students with advanced mathematical skills who wish to participate in the higher-challenge (and written solutions!) Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC) that takes place later in October.

By participating in the contest, students can earn a chance to win cool prizes and awards. Moreover, contestants in Canada that obtain a perfect score in the CLMC are invited to write the COMC free of charge.  The COMC, in turn, is the primary gateway to the elite invitation-only tournaments, such as the Canadian Math Olympiad (CMO) and Canada’s team for the International Math Olympiad (IMO).

For information about how the CLMC fits in our overall competition programme, see the  Competitions Advancement.

Want to know more about our namesake, the Canada Lynx cat? 

About the Canada Lynx (cat)

(Photo: Megan Lorenz/Can Geo Photo Club)

The Canada lynx may look like a slightly larger version of your housecat, but make no mistake, these boreal predators are ferocious! With big eyes and super hearing, Canada lynx are excellent night hunters. But they are not fast runners, so they have to be sneaky when it comes to catching prey. Usually, they find a hiding spot and wait for prey to come near — then they pounce. Some lynx will sit still for hours just to snatch a bite!

The Canada lynx has a short body, small tail and long legs. In winter, it sports a fur coat that is thick, long and grey. In summer, its coat is short, thin and light brown. Canada lynx look like they have wide faces, thanks to long patches of fur that grow out from their cheeks. They are most easily recognized by the black tips of their bobbed (short) tails and the long tufts on their triangle-shaped ears.

The Canada lynx closely resembles its southern forest-dwelling relative, the bobcat, but the truth is in the tail. Lynx tails are completely black-tipped, while bobcat tails have a white ring below the black tip. Canada lynx also have large, thick-furred paws that act like snowshoes, which help them hunt during winter.

Canada lynx live in forested areas throughout Canada, Alaska and parts of the contiguous United States. They make their dens underneath fallen trees, tree stumps, rock ledges or thick bushes. Canada lynx are territorial animals, and males live alone most of the time.


Next year!


Save the date!

The next CLMC will be held on Thursday, October 2nd, 2025.

Registration will open on  September 2nd.


Wrap Up

Good work competitors!  This year’s  Canada Lynx Mathematical Competition has completed.  Awards, prize draws and results are all ready.

The competition took place on Thursday, October 3rd in Canada and the Americas (anywhere in North/South American time zones), and on Friday, October 4th elsewhere in the world.

To see the top award winners for many divisions and grades, choose the Awards tab above. We’d especially like to congratulate the ten students who earned perfect scores this year!

Teachers/organizers: You can access your students’ scores, certificates and rankings through your Portal account.

Independent students: Your results and certificates are also available through your Portal Account.

Please also read our Media Release.

Score Statistics

In mathematical problem solving competitions, it is  normal for your score to be lower compared to a typical school exam due to the level of difficulty of the questions. The median scores are often well below half the maximum points available for the competition. This is the case for the CLMC this year, so we suggest you compare yourself to your peers through percentiles rather than the maximum possible points. The following tables should give you a good indication of your score compared to your peers:

Div. Grade Top Score /80 Top Decile /80 Top Quartile /80 Median Score /80
Canada Leaf 40.png Canada 80 60 49 38
Earth 40.png Foreign 80 66 54 44
Overall 80 61 50 39
Canada Leaf 40.png 12 (Cégep) 80 66 55 45
Canada Leaf 40.png 11 (Sec. 5) 80 64 54 43
Canada Leaf 40.png 10 (Sec. 4) 80 61 50 39
Canada Leaf 40.png 9 (Sec. 3) 76 56 46 36
Canada Leaf 40.png 8 (Sec. 2) 74 55 43 34
Canada Leaf 40.png ≤ 7 (Sec. 1) 74 52 41 31

This year a total of 10 students received a perfect 80/80 score.  Well done!

Problem Set and Solutions


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