Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 49, No. 8
October, 2023
401 MathemAttic: No. 48
401 Problems: MA236–MA240
403 Solutions: MA211–MA215
407 Teaching Problems: No. 23 — Shawn Godin
412 Mathemagical Puzzles: No. 6 — Tyler Somer
417 From the Bookshelf of... — Frédéric Morneau-Guérin
421 Olympiad Corner: No. 416
421 Problems: OC646–OC650
423 Solutions: OC621–OC626
428 How Less is More (With Origami) — Medha Ravi
439 Problems: 4871–4880
445 Solutions: 4821–4830
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