Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 42, No. 1
January, 2016
3 Editorial — Kseniya Garaschuk
4 The Contest Corner: No. 41 — John McLoughlin
4 Problems: CC201 - CC205
6 Solutions: CC151 - CC155
10 Wobbling Bicycle — Luis Goddyn
11 The Olympiad Corner: No. 339 — Carmen Bruni
11 Problems: OC261 - OC265
13 Solutions: OC201 - OC205
18 Book Reviews — Robert Bilinski
20 Focus On... Inequalities Via Complex Numbers — Michel Bataille
24 Generating Inequalities Using Schweitzer's Theorem — Daniel Sitaru and Claudia Nănuţi
28 Problems: 4101 - 4110
31 Solutions: 4001 - 4010
45 Solvers and Proposers Index
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