Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 32, No. 5
September, 2006
257 Contributor Profile: Christopher J. Bradley
258 Skoliad: No. 95 — Robert Bilinski
264 Mathematical Mayhem — Shawn Godin
264 Mayhem Problems: M251-M256
266 Mayhem Solutions: M201-M206
272 Problem of the Month — Ian VanderBurgh
275 Pólya's Paragon: Playing Games With Mathematics (Part 1) — John McLoughlin
277 The Olympiad Corner: No. 255 — R.E. Woodrow
296 Book Reviews — John McLoughlin
298 Non-transitivity in Tournaments — Jerry Lo and David Rhee
303 Problems: 3126, 3135, 3149-3163
309 Klamkin Solutions: KLAMKIN-01 to KLAMKIN-15
329 Solutions: 1150, 3044-3058
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