Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 32, No. 6
October, 2006
353 Contributor Profile: D.J. Smeenk
354 Skoliad: No. 96 — Robert Bilinski
360 Mathematical Mayhem — Shawn Godin
360 Mayhem Problems: M257-M262
363 Mayhem Solutions: M207-M212
367 Problem of the Month — Ian VanderBurgh
369 Pólya's Paragon: Playing Games With Mathematics (Part 11) — John McLoughlin
372 The Olympiad Corner: No. 256 — R.E. Woodrow
389 Book Review — John McLoughlin
392 An Efficient Construction of the Golden Section — Kurt Hofstetter
394 Problems: 3163-3175
399 Solutions: 3059-3071
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