Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 31, No. 8
December, 2005
481 Skoliad: No. 90 — Robert Bilinski
489 Mathematical Mayhem — Shawn Godin
489 Mayhem Problems: M219-M225
492 Mayhem Solutions: M151-M162
499 Problem of the Month — Ian VanderBurgh
502 Pólya's Paragon: It Ain't So Compex (Part 4) —  Shawn Godin
504 Mayhem Year End Wrap Up — Shawn Godin
505 The Olympiad Corner: No. 250 — R.E. Woodrow
537 Book Reviews — John McLoughlin
539 On Lucas Numbers and Egyptian Fractions — John H. Jaroma
543 Problems: 3088-3100
549 Solutions: 2927, 2985-3000
570 YEAR END FINALE — Jim Totten
572 Index to Volume 31, 2005
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