
Terms of Reference

Last Revised: June 21, 2023


The goal of the Canadian Mathematical Society is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics in Canada.

Statement of Purpose

  1. The goal of the Canadian Mathematical Society is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics in Canada.
  2. To support mathematics research through the communication of current research to both the specialist and non-specialist, public recognition of research accomplishments and collaboration with the research institutes, granting agencies and the users of mathematics.
  3. To support mathematics education through joint projects with mathematics educators at all levels, promotion of educational advancements, and partnerships with provincial ministries of education and organizations supporting mathematics education.
  4. To champion mathematics through initiatives that explain, promote and increase the general understanding of mathematics, provide extra-curricula opportunities for students, and encourage partnerships with corporate, government and not-for-profit agencies.

The activities of the Society are supervised by various standing committees. Standing committees report to the Board of Directors through the Executive Committee. Committee reports, recommendations and motions are sent to the CMS Corporate Secretary who ensures they are transmitted to the Executive Committee, for preliminary consideration, prior to transmittal to the Board. The editors of CMS periodical and serial publications, and the editorial boards report to the Chair of the Publications Committee.

As a general policy, the CMS encourages geographic, linguistic and gender distribution in the membership of its committees and boards and in the participation in its officially sponsored activities.

All members of CMS standing committees, editors-in-chief and members of editorial boards shall be members of the CMS in good standing. If deemed appropriate, this principle can be waived or a complimentary membership bestowed. Such a recommendation shall accompany the nomination.

The President, or his/her delegate, is ex-officio a member of all standing committees.

Committee and Editorial Board Nominations

The Nominating Committee is responsible for ensuring that the elections to the Executive and to the Board of Directors are conducted in accordance with the General Operating By-law of the Society. The details of the elections are provided in the Terms of Reference of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee also monitors when the terms of office of those directors appointed by the Board expire, including the student members, and ensures that nominations are submitted to the Board in sufficient time for consideration by the Executive Committee prior to the appropriate meeting of the Board.

The Nominating Committee, after consultation with the current and/or past chair of a committee, submits recommendations to fill vacancies on all standing committees (except the Nominating Committee itself and the Student Committee) to the Board through the Executive. For those committee members whose term will be completed at the end of the calendar year, committee chairs should submit suggestions for replacements to the Chair of the Nominating Committee by May 1. Suggestions for replacements for the Mathematical Competitions Committee should be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee by December 1 of the previous year. In consultation with the Chair, or Co-Chairs, of the Student Committee, the Nominating Committee is responsible for approving the members appointed to the Student Committee.

Members of the Nominating Committee and the International Affairs Committee are usually appointed for four-year staggered terms and members of the Student Committee are usually appointed for two-year staggered terms. Members of other committees are appointed for three-year staggered terms. Excluding the International Affairs Committee and the Nominating Committee, normally, a person serves for one year on a committee before assuming a two year term as chair. The Chair of the International Affairs Committee is appointed for four years. The Chair of the Nominating Committee is appointed for two years, followed by a further two years as the member representing the appropriate region of Canada. The end-of-term for the chairs and members of the Mathematical Competitions Committee and the three sub-committees is August 31. The end-of-term for the chair and the members of the Student Committee is June 30. For all other committees the end-of-term is December 31.

The Publications Committee recommends to the Executive, for transmission to the Board, nominations for the replacement of editors-in-chief and, where necessary, associate and other editors. Editors-in-Chief and members of editorial boards are usually appointed for five years. Details on the guidelines for editorial searches can be found in the Terms of Reference of the Publications Committee.

The Executive Committee is responsible for proposing candidates to fill vacancies on the Nominating Committee. The procedure for the election of the Chair and members of the Nominating Committee is as follows:

April – A call for nominations is placed in the June & September issues of the CMS Notes (Deadline: September 30)

October – Executive votes on nominees

November – Executive Committee nominees sent to the Board

December – Board votes on proposed nominees


Some of the abbreviations used in this document are as follows:

AMS: American Mathematical Society

APMO: Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad

CAIMS: Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society

CJMO: Canadian Junior Mathematical Olympiad

CMESG: Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group

CMO: Canadian Mathematical Olympiad

CNC: Canadian National Committee

COMC: Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

CUMC: Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference

EGC: Endowment Grants Committee

ESC: Electronic Services Committee

ESG: Electronic Services Group

IAC: International Affairs Committee

IFC: Invested Funds Committee

IMO: International Mathematical Olympiad

IMU: International Mathematical Union

MAA: Mathematical Association of America

MCC: Mathematical Competitions Committee

MCG: Math Competitions Grants

MOCP: Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program

MOTCP: Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program

NRC: National Research Council

NSERC: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

SSC: Statistical Society of Canada

Terms of Reference

The duties of the Executive Committee are to oversee the activities and affairs of the corporation and report to the Board of Directors.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee

  1. In consultation with the Board, to establish ways and means to achieve the goals and objectives of the Society.
  2. To develop and oversee implementation of a comprehensive long-term plan to achieve the goals and objectives of the Society.
  3. To take appropriate action to ensure diversity throughout the Society.
  4. To foster a culture of robust communication and consultation within the Society and to enhance liaison and harmonization between the Society and its stakeholders.
  5. To approve plans, projects, policies and strategies to achieve the goals and objectives of the Society.
  6. To oversee and maintain the financial health of the Society and ensure adequate financial resources and propose to the Board an annual budget for the Society.
  7. To propose candidates to fill vacancies on the Nominating Committee. With coordination from the CMS Executive Office, a call for nominations should be placed in the CMS Notes in June and September, if required, with a deadline of September 30. Executive will vote on nominees and propose them to the Board for approval in December.
  8. To create and dissolve Standing Committees, subcommittees, Task Forces and Editorial Boards, and to appoint members to them.
  9. To enhance and participate with fundraising initiatives, including seeking potential sponsors for various activities in the Society and participate in the yearly donation member’s campaign.
  10. To retrieve annual reports from all standing committees and report to the Board any recommendations or motions on matters within its terms of reference.

Duties and Responsibilities of Each Member of the Committee

  1. To act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interest of the Society and exercise care, diligence and professionalism.
  2. To participate in Executive meetings held four times a year, remotely or in person, and participating in the Board of Directors meetings held twice a year at our bi-annual meetings.
  3. To sit on certain standing committees as an ex-officio representing the President or the Executive Committee depending on the committee or role, as specified in the membership of each standing committee, if applicable.
  4. To serve on an ad hoc committee when it is requested by the President.
  5. To write a cover article in the CMS Notes once per calendar year, or when required.
  6. With the help of the CMS Executive Office, to engage in the Ambassador Program by providing leadership to retain members and solicit new members for their respective regions.


Members of the Executive Committee are elected by the CMS members through elections that are held every second year, then approved at the following Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee consists of five (5) Vice-Presidents representing the Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, West and Pacific regions, the President, either President-Elect or Past-President, the CMS Executive Director and the Treasurer. The Treasurer is appointed and approved by the Executive Committee. Upon election, the officer elected as President-Elect shall serve in this capacity for a one-year term followed by a two-year term as President and then immediate Past-President for a one-year term. The five (5) vice-presidents shall be elected for a four-year term. The Treasurer will normally serve a term of three years with an end-of-term ending on December 31.

President+ five (5) elected Vice-Presidents
+ the elected President-elect or Past-President
+ Treasurer
+ Executive Director

Operations Fund

Having a balanced budget in any given fiscal year is a goal of the Society. When a projected deficit in the Operations Fund is unavoidable, it should not exceed 25% of the surplus in the Operations Fund Balance.

If the sum of cash or short-term investments exceeds $300,000 in the Operations Fund at the end of the financial year; the excess will be transferred to the CMS Legacy Fund by April 30 of the next fiscal year. The transfer is subject to the approval of the Treasurer and the Executive Director after consideration of the short-term cash requirements of the Society.

In extraordinary circumstances, and as approved by two of the President, Treasurer and Executive Director, funds may be transferred from the Legacy Fund to alleviate a shortfall in the cash position of the Operations Fund.

Office expenses of the Society, including equipment, supplies, salaries, and the expenses of Staff relative to meetings, are shared among the various programs and projects. Allocation of these costs is calculated using the percentage in the approved budget. The budget percentage will be judgmentally based on staff time spent on each program or project in the recent past.

Legacy Fund

The CMS Legacy Fund was established by the Board of Directors on June 5, 2006.

The Legacy Fund is to be used in special circumstances and subject to approval by the CMS Board of Directors. The investment principles for the CMS Legacy Fund are the same as those for the CMS Endowed Funds and may be changed, subject to approval by the CMS Board of Directors.


The Endowed Funds of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) are to provide income to be applied generally or specifically in support of activities that promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics and for other similar purposes.

The CMS Endowed Funds currently consist of four funds:

  1. the CMS Endowment Fund;
  2. the Mathematical Olympiads Fund;
  3. the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award Fund; and
  4. the CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize Fund.

The Endowed Funds shall also include other endowment funds that may be established using additional moneys and property as may from time to time be donated to the CMS, subject to approval by the CMS Board of Directors.

Each of the Endowed Funds will maintain its own revenue and expenditure accounts.

The Terms of Reference that have been approved for a specific endowment fund by the CMS Board of Directors and the original donor (if applicable) shall govern all gifts or donations to that endowed fund.

Gifts and donations to any one of the Endowed Funds shall be invested in accordance with the CMS Principles for the Preservation of Capital.

The CMS will strive, with the assistance of the original donors (where possible) to increase the capital in each existing endowed fund through other donations, pledges, gifts, etc.

The CMS Invested Funds Committee will be responsible to the Board for the administration of the Endowed Funds. The Terms of Reference for the Invested Funds Committee are described below. The membership of the Invested Funds Committee, or another committee determined by the Board, subject to Board approval, may be changed as necessary.

The CMS Finance Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the Board of Directors the allocations of the revenues provided by the CMS Invested Funds Committee from the CMS Endowment Fund and the Mathematical Olympiads Fund in accordance with the appropriate Terms of Reference, including the amount for the annual Endowment Grants Competition.

Principles for the Preservation of Capital

Gifts and donations to one of the Endowed Funds shall be invested in accordance with the principle to preserve capital and the investments shall include an asset mix of Canadian fixed income securities and Canadian and foreign equities and shall be invested in securities, other than real estate, as authorized by the current laws in force for the investment of funds of Canadian Life Insurance companies.

The intention is for the annual income for the Endowed Funds to provide for both real return and for inflation. This will be achieved through:

  • asset diversification,
  • investment in only investment grade assets,
  • limiting expenditures to an amount reflecting the rate of real return,
  • investment in both fixed income and equity assets, and
  • maintaining an appropriate balance between fixed income and growth (equity) assets. As a guideline, and depending on market conditions, an asset mix such as the current 30% – Canadian Real Return Bond, 15% – Canadian Equities, 30% – Global Equities, and 25%- Canadian Short Term would be appropriate.

CMS Endowment Fund

The CMS Endowment Fund is to be used to provide annual revenue for the support of activities that promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics and for other similar purposes, including:

  1. mathematics prizes and scholarships that are awarded through competition to students and academic staff at schools, universities and colleges in Canada;
  2. mathematics research through the communication of current research to both the specialist and non-specialist, public recognition of research accomplishments and collaboration with the research institutes, granting agencies and the users of mathematics;
  3. mathematics education through joint projects with mathematics educators at all levels, promotion of educational advancements, and partnerships with Provincial and Territorial ministries of education and organizations supporting mathematics education;
  4. mathematics competitions and other activities that promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics in the Canadian provinces and territories;
  5. grants to students and teachers in developing countries to provide access to publications of Canadian mathematical societies and the Canadian mathematics research institutes and for other similar purposes;
  6. initiatives that explain, promote and increase the general understanding of mathematics, provide extra-curricular opportunities for students, and encourage partnerships with corporate, government and not-for-profit agencies.

Mathematical Olympiads Fund

The Mathematical Olympiads Fund is to be used to provide annual revenue for the CMS Mathematical Olympiads program in Canada, including but not necessarily limited to, the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad, Canada’s participation in the Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad and Canada’s team to the International Mathematical Olympiad and the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad.

The Society’s Mathematical Olympiads program is the responsibility of the CMS Mathematical Competitions Committee in accordance with the policies and procedures approved by the CMS Board of Directors. Funds will be transferred from the Olympiad Fund to cover any deficits resulting from the CMS competitions.

David Borwein Distinguished Career Fund

The David Borwein Distinguished Career Award Fund is to be used to provide annual revenue for the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award which recognizes exceptional, broad and continued contributions to Canadian mathematics.

Should circumstances be such that the annual revenue for the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award Fund is not sufficient to meet the expenses associated with the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award, then the award may not be given provided that in so doing the maximum period whereby an award is not given does not exceed six years. For each recipient, the expenses will include the costs of the sculpture, travel and accommodation expenses, as well as related promotional and administrative costs.

Subject to the availability of funds, at most two awards will be given each even calendar year at the Summer meeting of the CMS.

The CMS Distinguished Awards Selection Committee, or another committee determined by the CMS Board of Directors, will be responsible for the selection of the recipients. At the discretion of the CMS Distinguished Awards Selection Committee, a decision to not grant an award may be taken, provided that such a decision is not taken more than two consecutive times.

The CMS Invested Funds Committee will report annually, following the Society’s fiscal year, on the status of the Fund to the Borwein Family, or their heirs where possible, and will provide the names of the recipients.

The David Borwein Distinguished Career Award will be awarded and administered in accordance with the CMS’ policies and procedures pertaining to the granting of awards.

The focus of the CMS may shift over time, and it may become impossible, inadvisable or impractical to apply the annual income from the Fund for the purposes set out above. If the CMS is of the opinion that a revised purpose is appropriate, the CMS shall exercise its discretion, in consultation with the Borwein Family or their heirs where possible, and use the annual income from the Fund to the best advantage of the CMS for other purposes consonant with the spirit and intent of the Borwein Family’s gift.

CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize Fund

The CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize Fund is to be used to provide annual revenue for the CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize which recognizes outstanding performance by a doctoral student who graduated from a Canadian university in the preceding year.

The CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize consists of a framed certificate, an award of $2,000, a two-year membership with the CMS, and the opportunity to present a plenary lecture at a CMS meeting.

Should circumstances be such that the annual income is not sufficient to meet the expenses associated with the CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize, the award will be funded through the capital.

The CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize will be awarded and administered in accordance with the CMS policies and procedures pertaining to the granting of awards.

The focus of the CMS may shift over time, and it may become impossible, inadvisable or impractical to apply the annual income from the Fund for the purposes set out above. If the CMS is of the opinion that a revised purpose is appropriate, the CMS shall exercise its discretion and use the annual income from the Fund to the best advantage of the CMS for other purposes consistent with the spirit and intent of the Spearman Family’s donation.


The following are the CMS prizes and awards:

The deadline for nominations for the CMS prizes, except for the G. de B. Robinson Award which is not subject to a call for nominations, are as follows:

  • Jeffery-Wiliams Prize – September 30th (21 months prior to the Summer meeting where the prize lecture is given),
  • Krieger-Nelson Prize – September 30th (21 months prior to the Summer meeting where the prize lecture is given),
  • Coxeter-James Prize – September 30th (15 months prior to the winter meeting where the prize lecture is given),
  • Cathleen Synge Morawetz – September 30th
  • For the Jeffery-Williams Prize, the Krieger-Nelson Prize, the Coxeter-James Prize and the Cathleen Synge Morawetz Prize, nominators should request at least three referees to submit letters directly to the appropriate email address for the prize by September 30th. Some arms length referees are strongly encouraged. Nomination letters should list the chosen referees, and should include a recent curriculum vitae for the nominee, if available.
  • CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize – January 31st (10 months prior to the winter meeting where the prize lecture is given),
  • Adrien Pouliot Award – April 30th (7 months prior to the winter meeting where the award is presented),
  • CMS Excellence in Teaching Award – November 15th (7 months prior to the Summer meeting where the award is presented),
  • G. de B. Robinson Award – Not applicable,
  • David Borwein Distinguished Career Award – November 15th (7 months prior to the Summer meeting where the award is presented). This award is given every four years.
  • Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service – March 31st (8 months prior to the winter meeting where the award is presented).

The Jeffery-Williams Prize, the Krieger-Nelson Prize, the Coxeter-James Prize, the Cathleen Synge Morawetz and the CMS Blair Spearman are selected by the CMS Research Committee. The Jeffery-Williams and Krieger-Nelson prizes are presented at the CMS Summer meeting and the Coxeter-James and Doctoral prizes at the CMS Winter Meeting. As these prizes are given at a meeting where the recipient is giving a plenary lecture, the prize will not be awarded to recipients who are unable to give the plenary lecture unless the CMS Board of Directors otherwise decides; and funds are provided for each recipient to attend the meeting and to receive the prize.

The Adrien Pouliot Award is selected by a sub-committee of the CMS Education Committee and the award is presented at the CMS Winter Meeting. Funds are provided to assist with the travel expenses of the recipient(s) in order that they may be present at the meeting to receive the Award.

The recipient is expected to give a talk at the meeting; either a plenary lecture, a talk in the education session or short talk as part of a social function. The nature of the talk will be determined by the prize recipient, the Meeting Director and the Chair of the Education Committee.

The CMS Excellence in Teaching Award is selected by a sub-committee of the CMS Education Committee and the award is presented at the CMS Summer meeting. Funds are provided to assist with the travel expenses of the recipient in order that they may be present at the meeting to receive the Award.

The recipient is expected to give a talk at the meeting; either a plenary lecture, a talk in the education session or short talk as part of a social function. The nature of the talk will be determined by the prize recipient, the Meeting Director and the Chair of the Education Committee.

The G. de B. Robinson Award is selected by the CMS Publications Committee and the winner is announced at the CMS Winter Meeting. As limited funds are available for this award and, as it is likely the recipient is not a resident of Canada, the award is not necessarily presented at a CMS Meeting. It can be sent to the home institution with a request that it be presented at a suitable “local” event or, if feasible, it can be presented at a suitable venue in Canada – for example in conjunction with a lecture given by the recipient at a Canadian university or research institute.

Normally, the Jeffery-Williams Prize, the Krieger-Nelson Prize, and the Coxeter-James Prize are Canadian soapstone sculptures. The Cathleen Synge Morawetz Prize is a commemorative plaque. The Adrien Pouliot Award and the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award are gold etched blue glass awards. The G. de B. Robinson Award and the CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize are framed certificates. In addition to the travel expenses and certificate mentioned above, the CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize includes an award of $2,000 and a two-year complementary membership in the CMS. In addition to the travel expenses and glass award mentioned above, the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award includes a two-year complementary membership in the CMS.

Details on the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award and the Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service are given below.

In some cases, further information regarding the CMS prizes and awards can be found in the Terms of Reference of the appropriate standing committee.

The CMS affirms its commitment to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusivity.  In forming any prize selection (sub)committee, chairs will consider appointing external members, and will communicate the composition of the subcommittee to the Executive before the application deadline.

Furthermore, no members of a committee, regular or affiliated, can be nominated for an award from that committee.


The Chair of the appropriate committee will notify the CMS President and the Executive Director as soon as possible following the decision. Biographical information and the citation will be sent to the CMS Executive office at the same time as the notification of the decision. The Chair of the appropriate committee will informally notify the recipient unless it is more desirable that this is done by the President. Recipients will be advised that the decision must remain confidential until the Society officially releases the names. The official release will take place as soon as possible after the President and the Executive Director have received notification of the recipients.

The President will write an official letter of congratulations to each recipient, together with information on when the prize or the award will be presented and other details.

In consultation with the President and the Chair of the appropriate committee, the Executive Director will prepare the official release and ensure details are published in the CMS Notes.

CMS Distinguished Awards

CMS Distinguished Awards Selection Committee

The CMS Distinguished Awards Selection Committee will consist of the President, the President-Elect or the Past President, a Vice-president appointed by the President, the Chair of the Education Committee and the Chair of the Research Committee. The President of the CMS is the Chair of the Committee. In the event of a conflict of interest involving the President, the President-Elect, or Past-President, will become Chair. If the need arises, the Chair of the Committee may appoint replacement Committee members chosen from current or former members of the CMS Executive Committee.

The CMS Distinguished Awards Selection Committee is responsible for the selection of recipients for the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award and the Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service.

David Borwein Distinguished Career Award

The David Borwein Distinguished Career Award was created to recognize individuals who have made exceptional, broad, and continued contributions to Canada. This award is given every four years.

Criteria for Selection

The award is to recognize individuals who have made exceptional, broad, and continued contributions to Canadian mathematics.

Nomination Dossier

A complete nomination dossier consists of:

  1. a signed nomination statement from a present or past colleague, or collaborator (no more than three pages) having direct knowledge of the nominee’s contribution;
  2. a curriculum vitae;
  3. two to four letters of support in addition to the nomination;
  4. other supporting material may be submitted, no more than 10 pages.

The nomination will remain active for three years, with a possibility to update.
The dossier must arrive at the CMS Executive Office no later than November 15.

Selection Process

A call for nominations will be made in the September and October/November issues of the CMS Notes, including a November deadline.

The CMS Distinguished Awards Selection Committee is authorized to bring names forward. All nominations will be sent to the Selection Committee from the Executive Office shortly after the deadline. Ideally the recipient(s) will be selected within 30 days of receiving the nominations. If necessary, the Committee should consult the Executive Director to obtain feedback on the services provided by the nominee to the CMS.

Awards, Presentation and Costs

The Award is a sculpture designed by Helaman Ferguson which was approved by the Borwein Family and the CMS. Travel costs are provided for the recipient(s) to receive the award. Normally, at most two awards will be given in each even calendar year and at a CMS Summer meeting.

Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service

The Distinguished Service Award was created to “recognize individuals who have made sustained and significant contributions to the Canadian mathematical community and, in particular, to the Canadian Mathematical Society.” The first award was presented in 1995.

The Award was renamed the Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service in 2008 in recognition of Graham Wright who retired in 2008 after serving 30 years as CMS Executive Director.

Criteria for Selection

The award is to recognize individuals who have made a sustained and significant service contribution to the Canadian mathematical community.

Contributions might include: service to the Canadian Mathematical Society and/or its activities; initiatives to advance mathematical publishing in Canada; activities in support of a strong research environment in Canada; creation of new national initiatives in support of mathematics.

Nomination Dossier

  1. A complete nomination dossier consists of:
    1. a signed nomination statement from a present or past colleague, or collaborator
    (no more than three pages) having direct knowledge of the nominee’s
    2. a curriculum vitae;
    3. two to four letters of support in addition to the nomination;
    4. other supporting material may be submitted, no more than 10 pages.

The nomination will remain active for three years, with a possibility to update.

The dossier must be sent to the CMS Executive Office no later than March 31.

Selection Process

A call for nominations will be made in the December and February issues of the CMS Notes, including a March deadline.

The Selection Committee is authorized to bring names forward. All nominations will be sent to the Selection Committee from the Executive Office shortly after the deadline. Ideally the recipient(s) will be selected within 30 days of the Selection Committee receiving the nominations.

Award, Presentation and Costs

The recipient receives a gold etched blue glass award which is presented in a manner that allows full recognition of the individual amongst his/her peers and colleagues. At the preference of the recipient, the presentation will be made either at the recipients’ home institution or at a CMS meeting.

If the recipient wishes to receive the award at a CMS meeting, the CMS does not cover the costs of the recipient to attend the meeting.


All standing committees are accountable to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mathematical Society. Each committee advises and makes recommendations to the Board through the Executive, on matters within its terms of reference. The Executive will transmit the Committee’s recommendation to the Board with appropriate comments. A committee can be instructed to undertake such other duties as the Board, the Executive or the general membership, at a general meeting of the Society may, from time to time, determine.

The number and membership of each committee is determined by the Board. Details on the length of term for chairs and members of standing committees as well as the deadlines for nominations is given in the Section – CMS Organizational Structure.

For each standing committee, the Chair shall ensure:

  1. that the members of the committee are consulted,
  2. that, in addition to such other meetings as may be required, committees shall endeavour to meet in person or virtually twice a year, preferably at the semi-annual meetings of the Society,
  3. that all relevant material is circulated to all members of the committee,
  4. that the Executive Office is sent copies of any minutes, decisions, etc.

The Chair of any committee may, at any time, bring the issue of non-participation of any committee member to the attention of the Nominating Committee with a request for replacement.

Whenever legal advice is required, the Chair of a committee shall contact the President or the Executive Director.

A chair, who is not a director, is asked to attend meetings of the Board as an observer and resource person. Each chair is also invited to attend the CMS Development Group.

Committee Budgets

Committee chairs are required to submit their annual budget requests to the Executive Office by August 15. Budget requests must include the expenses (and revenues – if appropriate) for all of the committee’s activities for the next financial year (January 1 – December 31).

Committee Recommendations and Reports


A committee decision, recommendation or motion that will require Board consideration, must be submitted to the Executive Office in time for consideration at the previous meeting of the Executive Committee. The deadline for receipt is April 1 or October 1.


Chairs are required to submit an annual report on the activities of their committee.

The Society’s Annual Report to Members is presented to the Annual General Meeting in June. Extracts are also published in the CMS Notes and a bilingual promotional flyer, with information from the Annual Report, is prepared and circulated to government agencies, corporations and donation committees. The Annual Report to Members covers the period January 1 to December 31 and provides an excellent opportunity to showcase our achievements and future initiatives.

Committee chairs are required to submit an annual report of their activities to the Executive Director by January 31. Although chairs should refer to past minutes, reports, etc. they should be mindful of the fact that the audience for the Annual Report may not be very familiar with the Society’s activities. In preparing the annual report of activities, chairs should give consideration to the Society’s “Goal and Statement of Purpose” and ways in which the CMS might achieve these goals. A committee’s annual report should be no more than one page and should select only those events and decisions which were significant and should not include every decision that was made.

The following chart summarizes the dates for the receipt of committee reports, recommendations and budget requests at the Executive Office. Also included is the deadline for suggestions from committees chairs, to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, regarding the replacement of committee members whose terms will be completed at the end of that year.

Reports and RecommendationsDeadline for receipt at the Executive Office
Committee Annual Reports (for the CMS Annual Report and CMS Notes) (Covers the period January 1 – December 31) (To be submitted to the Executive Director)31-Jan
Committee recommendations/motions requiring approval of the Board at the Summer meeting15-Mar
Publication Committee recommendations for new editors-in-chief (*) requiring approval of the Board at the Summer meeting15-Mar
CMS Notes, CRUX and ATOM Series Editors-in-Chief recommendations for new associate editors whose terms would commence the following January 1 (To be submitted to the Chair of the Publications Committee)15-Mar
Committee chairs suggestions for replacement members whose terms would commence the following January 1 (To be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee)1-May
Budget requests for next financial year (Covers the period January 1 – December 31)15-Aug
Committee recommendations/motions requiring approval of the Board at the Winter meeting15-Sep
Nominating Committee recommendations for new committee chairs and members (*) requiring approval of the Board at the Winter meeting15-Sep
Publication Committee recommendations for new associate editors of the CJM & CMB Scientific Editorial Board (*) requiring approval of the Board at the Winter meeting15-Sep
Committee chair’s suggestions for replacement members for the Mathematical Competitions Committee whose terms would commence the following September 1 (To be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee)1-Dec
Year-end expense reports for the current financial year (Including estimates to December 31)15-Dec
(*) The Nominating and Publications Committee Chairs must ensure that biographical information is obtained from each candidate and that committee or editorial board profiles are provided where necessary.


The CMS President’s Advisory Council (PAC) is an honorary standing committee of the CMS established by the CMS Board of Directors.

The PAC nominally reports to the CMS President.


The PAC is established to:

  1. formally honour and acknowledge the contribution of past CMS Presidents and Executive Director to the development and success of the CMS; and
  2. provide PAC members with a unique opportunity to continue their leadership engagement with the CMS.


Provide independent strategic advice and guidance to the CMS President.

Duties and Responsibilities

The PAC, in whole or in part, may:

  1. provide advice and guidance on issues that the CMS President may wish to submit to the PAC for consideration; and
  2. bring matters and advice to the attention of the CMS President.

Council Membership

The PAC membership is constituted as follows:

  1. the Chair (current CMS Past-President or as designated by the CMS President);
  2. all former CMS Presidents; and
  3. all former and current CMS Executive Directors.

Appointment to the Council is immediate upon completion of term as the CMS President or Executive Director.

Any PAC member may withdraw from the council by formally notifying the Chair and the Chair may withdraw by notifying the CMS President.

Council Operations

Meetings, if necessary, may be convened at the call of the Chair.

The PAC may establish temporary ad hoc sub-groups, including non-PAC members.

PAC operations are subject to CMS guidelines and policies.


PAC Terms of Reference may be amended by recommendation of the PAC Chair or the CMS President to the CMS Board of Directors.

Any PAC matter that may have legal considerations shall be referred to the CMS Executive Director.


PAC-related enquiries should be directed to the CMS Corporate Secretary.

Terms of Reference

To oversee, in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors, the activities of the Society in the field of education. To consider other matters of an educational nature which concern mathematics or the Society.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To appoint the chairs and members of the five sub-committees:
    • the Committee on Educational Materials on the CMS Web Site,
    • the Committee on Grants for Provincial Competitions,
    • the Math Camps Committee,
    • the Meetings Oversight Committee,
    • the Adrien Pouliot Award Selection Committee,
  2. To identify national, regional and provincial concerns relative to the teaching of mathematics in Canada, both at the school and post-secondary level.
  3. To act as a liaison between the Society and governments, both federal and provincial, on matters affecting mathematics education in Canada at all levels from elementary school to the post-graduate level in universities.
  4. To promote a good relationship between the Society and high school teachers, by promoting and fostering better lines of communication and interaction between these groups.
  5. To act, on behalf of the Society, as a liaison between the Society and other mathematical organizations in Canada and elsewhere, on educational matters of mutual concern.
  6. To collect, synthesize, and disseminate information of an educational nature, on behalf of the Society, to high school teachers and to university mathematicians across Canada.
  7. To keep teachers at all levels informed of new developments, both on this continent and elsewhere, through the organization of meetings, conferences and workshops and the publication of the proceedings of such meetings and other documents deemed appropriate.
  8. To appoint an organizer for the educational sessions for each semi-annual meeting, at least 18 months in advance of the meeting, and to inform the appropriate Meetings Director of this appointment so that the organizer can be made a member of the Meeting Committee. To provide assistance to the organizer concerning the educational sessions and the choice of the plenary speaker.
  9. To encourage and foster, on behalf of the Society, the promotion and learning of mathematics in Canada and to recognize outstanding mathematical ability through the sponsorship of provincial mathematics competitions and other activities.
  10. To review the reports of the five sub-committees (the Committee on Educational Materials on the CMS Web Site, the Committee on Grants for Provincial Competitions, the Math Camps Committee, the Adrien Pouliot Award Selection Committee, and the Meetings Oversight Committee).
  11. To review the general funding of the Society’s educational activities.
  12. To ensure that the Education Committee’s delegate is chosen to be an ex-officio member of the Mathematical Competitions Committee.
  13. To report to the Board on the Society’s various educational activities.
  14. For all aspects related to the education component of the Summer and Winter Meetings. This would include approval of candidates for the Education Plenary and approval of proposals for education related sessions at the meetings.


The Education Committee membership shall be: a Chairperson and at least four (4) other regular voting members and at least three (3) ex-officio non-voting members, including a President’s delegate, a CMESG delegate, and the Executive Director.

1 Chair+ 4 members
+ other members as needed
+ President’s delegate (ex-officio)
+ CMESG delegate (ex-officio)
+ Executive director (ex-officio)
+ other ex-officio members as needed

Committee on Education Materials

Terms of Reference

The Committee on Education Materials on the CMS web site is a sub-committee of the Education Committee and is responsible for ensuring that the educational materials and the education-related links on the Society’s web site are appropriate and current.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. In consultation with the Electronic Services Group, to implement policies and actions recommended by the Education Committee regarding the educational materials on the CMS web site, and to report to the Education Committee on the implementation of these policies.
  2. To recommend modifications in how the CMS web site is structured with respect to educational materials and education-related links.
  3. To bring to the attention of the Education Committee, opportunities, issues and problems related to the use of the CMS web site in the furtherance of the educational goals of the Society and of the Education Committee.
  4. To submit a report to each meeting of the Education Committee and to provide the Education Committee with information related to education materials on the CMS web site.
  5. To make recommendations to the Chair of the Education Committee regarding educational materials and education-related links on the CMS web site.


In addition to the Chair, the Committee on Education Materials on the CMS Web Site will consist of two other members.

1 Chair+ one member
+ Chair of the Education Committee (ex-officio)

Committee for Math Competition Grants

Terms of Reference

The Committee for Math Competitions Grants is a sub-committee of the Education Committee and, subject to the budget approved by the Board of Directors, is responsible for administering the Math Competitions Grants ( MCG ) for Canadian students.


  1. No member of the Committee for Math Competitions Grants may be associated with a proposal being considered for funding.
  2. Proposals must come from the Canadian mathematical community and must be non-profit in nature.
  3. Proposals must address the Society’s Goal and Statement of Purpose (see Section 1 – page 1).
  4. The deadline for the submission of proposals at the CMS Executive Office is November 15. It is at the discretion of the Sub-Committee for MCG whether or not to accept late applications.
  5. The decision of the MCG regarding whether to fully fund, partially fund or not fund a proposal is final.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. In cooperation with the CMS Executive Office, to produce bilingual promotional materials and application forms related to the MCG and ensure appropriate information is distributed.
  2. To receive copies of all applications and, subject to the budget available, to determine the grants that are to be awarded.
  3. To inform the Executive Office of the decisions taken and arrange for the amount awarded to be sent.
  4. To submit an annual report to the Education Committee and to provide the Education Committee with information related to the MCG.
  5. To make recommendations to the Chair of the Education Committee regarding the MCG.


In addition to the Chair, who may be the Chair of the Education Committee, the Committee on MCG will consist of one other member.

1 Chair+ one member

Math Camps Committee

Terms of Reference

The Math Camps Committee is a sub-committee of the Education Committee and, subject to the budget approved by the Board of Directors, is responsible for the CMS Math Camps Program.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. In cooperation with the CMS Executive Office, to produce bilingual promotional materials and application forms related to the Math Camp grants and ensure appropriate information is distributed.
  2. To assess all applications and, subject to the budget available, to determine the grants that are to be awarded. It is at the discretion of the Math Camps committee whether or not to accept late applications.
  3. To inform the Executive Office of the decisions taken so that funding and reporting arrangements can be undertaken.
  4. To submit an annual report to the Education Committee and to provide the Education Committee with information related to the Math Camps program.
  5. In consultation with the CMS Executive Director and others, to make recommendations to the Chair of the Education Committee regarding the Math Camps program.


The Math Camps Committee will consist of a Chair and no less than two other members.

1 Chair+ 2 members

Meetings Oversight Committee

Terms of Reference

The Meetings Oversight Committee is a sub-committee of the Education Committee to oversee the matters relating to the educational component of the Society’s meetings.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To solicit and vet proposals for education related sessions at the Summer and Winter meetings. The committee makes recommendations to the Education Committee to guide its approval of proposals for the education related sessions. The goal is to have at least two education-related sessions at each meeting.
  2. To identify possible candidates for the Education Plenary sessions for each of the Society’s meetings and make recommendations for approval by the Education Committee.
  3. To investigate the possibility of a having an annual fully online education-themed meeting separate from the two existing Society meetings. If such a meeting is deemed desirable, the committee will assume full oversight of this meeting including its structure, the naming of the meeting organizers, as well as identifying the theme or themes for the meeting.
  4. The Chair of the committee, or a Chair’s designate serves as a member of the Scientific Committee for each of the Society’s Summer and Winter meetings to ensure that issues regarding aspects of the meeting concerning education are addressed in a timely fashion.


The committee consists of a Chair designated by the Chair of the Education Committee, as well as three additional members at least one of which should be a member of the full Committee. The additional members will be approved by the Education Committee. Appointments shall be for two years and will be renewable.

1 Chair+ 3 members

The Adrien Pouliot Award Selection Committee

Terms of Reference

The Adrien Pouliot Award Selection Committee is a Sub-committee of the Education Committee and is responsible for selecting the recipient of the Adrien Pouliot Award.

The Adrien Pouliot Award was inaugurated to recognize individuals or teams of individuals who have made significant and sustained contributions to mathematics education in Canada. Such contributions may be interpreted in the broadest possible sense and might include community outreach programmes, the development of new programmes in either an academic or an industrial setting, publicizing mathematics so as to make mathematics accessible to the general public, developing mathematics display materials, and supporting mathematics conferences and competitions for students, etc. The first award was presented in 1995.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. In cooperation with the CMS Executive Office, to produce bilingual promotional materials and application forms related to the Adrien Pouliot Award and to ensure that appropriate information is distributed and that calls for nominations appear in the February and March /April issues of the CMS Notes (with April 30 as the deadline for applications).
  2. To receive copies of all applications and to select the recipient for the Adrien Pouliot Award ideally six months in advance of the meeting at which the Award will be presented. To communicate the Committee’s decision, together with appropriate biographical and citation material, to the President and to the Executive Director. The President of the CMS writes the official letter to the selected candidate. The Chair will also informally notify the recipient unless it is more desirable that this is done by the President. The recipient is to be advised that the decision is to remain confidential until the Society officially releases the name of the recipient.

    In consultation with the Executive Office, to arrange for the Award to be presented at the CMS Winter meeting. The recipient is expected to give a talk at the meeting; either a plenary lecture, a talk in the education session or a short talk as part of a social function. The nature of the talk will be determined by the prize recipient, the Meeting Director and the Chair of the Education Committee.

  3. To write to the candidate(s) and to the individual(s) who submitted the nomination for each of the nominations not chosen to receive the Adrien Pouliot Award.
  4. To ensure that copies of applications for those nominees not selected for the Adrien Pouliot Award are maintained at the Executive Office for a period of three years (two more competitions from the time of the original nomination).
  5. To submit an annual report to the Education Committee and to provide the Education Committee with information related to the Adrien Pouliot Award.
  6. To make recommendations to the Education Committee regarding the Adrien Pouliot Award.

The CMS affirms its commitment to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusivity.  In forming any prize selection (sub)committee, chairs will consider appointing external members, and will communicate the composition of the subcommittee to the Executive before the application deadline.

Furthermore, no members of a committee, regular or affiliated, can be nominated for an award from that committee.


In addition to the Chair, who will be the Chair of the Education Committee, the Adrien Pouliot Award Selection Committee will consist of at least three other members of the Education Committee appointed for two-year terms and such that the terms are staggered.

1 Chair+ three members

Terms of Reference

To administer, in accordance with the policies and guidelines determined by the Board of Directors, the distribution of the CMS Endowment Fund Grants and to solicit and adjudicate proposals for projects that contribute to the broader good of the mathematical community in Canada.


Normally, there will be a CMS Endowment Grants Competition each year. The portion of the annual income from the Endowment Fund that is available for the competition will be determined by the Finance Committee and will be communicated to the Chair of the Endowment Grant Committee (EGC) no later than October 30. The Finance Committee will also determine the minimum amount for the next year’s competition and this will be communicated to the Chair of the EGC at the same time.

If, in a particular competition, funds remain from the total allocated by the Finance Committee, these funds will remain in the Endowment Fund.


No member of the Endowment Grants Committee may be associated with a proposal being considered for funding.

Proposals must come from CMS members or, in the case of a joint proposal, at least one of the principal applicants must be a CMS member. In addition, a principal applicant may only be involved in one proposal per competition.

Proposals must address the Society’s Goal and Statement of Purpose (see Section 1 – page 1).

The deadline for the submission of proposals at the CMS Executive Office is September 30. Proposals that do not comply with the prescribed guidelines or that are late or incomplete will not be considered.

The decision of the EGC regarding whether to fully fund, partially fund, or not fund a proposal is final and there will be no opportunity for appeal.

No proposal will be funded if it involves individuals who have not reported on a prior award in the most recent seven years.

Responsibilities of the EGC

  1. To establish the adjudication procedure;
  2. To adjudicate the proposals in accordance with the procedures established by the EGC;
  3. To inform the CMS, no later than the end of December, of the funding decisions including any explanation to be provided to an unsuccessful applicant;
  4. To monitor the progress of each funded project and review applicants’ progress reports, which should be submitted periodically to the Chair of the EGC and should include financial details;
  5. To provide an annual report to CMS;
  6. To report to the Board on the CMS Endowment Grants Competition program and to make recommendations on changes to the policies and procedures of the EGC or of the competition;
  7. To seek input from that committee, when an application deals with a subject that falls naturally under the purview of a CMS Standing Committee;
  8. To bring in the attention of the CMS Executive Committee the projects that the EGC considers the Society to support as an organization;
  9. To request the cooperation of other CMS standing committees to promote the program and to solicit nominations;
  10. To endeavour to meet via a conference call, if the EGC cannot deliberate in person.

Responsibilities of the CMS

  1. To ensure that a Call for Proposals is made in the CMS Notes, the CMS electronic distribution lists and other means, as appropriate, and that the Call for Proposals includes information on the details, format and deadline for such proposals;
  2. To inform the main applicant of each proposal, no later than January 31, of the funding decision of the EGC;
  3. To ensure that reports are received from all funded proposals at the end of the funding period;
  4. To ensure that CMS support is acknowledged in any published or other materials arising from a CMS funded proposal;
  5. To ensure that data on each annual Endowment Grants Competition is published on the CMS web site and that information on each successful proposal and corresponding reports are also made available on the CMS web site.


In addition to the Chair, the EGC will consist of four other members appointed for three year terms and such that the terms are staggered. It is important that members of the EGC represent geographic, linguistic and gender issues and also that members of the EGC should be familiar with the Society’s activities in research, publishing and education.

1 Chair+ 4 members

Terms of Reference

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee (EDI) mandate is to monitor the position and interests of women in mathematics, those with disabilities, LGBTQ+ communities as well as other underrepresented groups in Canada and in the Society; to recommend actions to the Board of Directors which will assure equitable treatment of these groups in the mathematical community; and to encourage their participation in mathematics at all levels.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To ensure that conferences are accessible and welcoming to all groups.
  2. To encourage and assist nominations from the broader mathematical community for: CMS prizes, fellowships, and awards during each competition cycle; and for CMS committees, in conjunction with the Nomination Committee.
  3. To organize networking and monitor activities that support all underrepresented groups in their careers in mathematics research and teaching.
  4. To organize events, at least once a year, that bring stakeholders together, such as lunches, lectures and other activities in one of the CMS semi-annual meetings or elsewhere.
  5. To chart the landscape of the needs and desires of underrepresented groups.
  6. To advise CMS committees as well as external nominators on best practices that foster diversity in those nominations.


1 Chair+ 5 members
+ President’s delegate (ex-officio)
+ Chair on Women in Mathematics Committee (ex-officio)

Terms of Reference

The CMS Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee is responsible for selecting the recipient for the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award.

The CMS Excellence in Teaching Award focuses on the recipient’s proven excellence as a teacher at the undergraduate level as exemplified by unusual effectiveness in the classroom and/or commitment and dedication to teaching and to students. The dossier should provide evidence of the effectiveness and impact of the nominee’s teaching. The prize recognizes sustained and distinguished contributions in teaching at the post-secondary undergraduate level at a Canadian institution. The first award was presented in 2004.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. In cooperation with the CMS Executive Office, to produce bilingual promotional materials and application forms related to the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award and ensure that appropriate information is distributed and that calls for nominations appear in the appropriate issues of the CMS Notes (with November 15 as the deadline for applications).
  2. To receive copies of all applications and to select the recipient for the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award ideally six months in advance of the meeting at which the Award will be presented. To communicate the Committee’s decision, together with appropriate biographical and citation material, to the President and to the Executive Director. The President of the CMS writes the official letter to the selected candidate. The Chair will also informally notify the recipient unless it is more desirable that this is done by the President. The recipient is to be advised that the decision is to remain confidential until the Society officially releases the name of the recipient.In consultation with the Executive Office, to arrange for the Award to be presented at the CMS Summer meeting. The recipient is expected to give a talk at the meeting; either a plenary lecture, a talk in the education session or a short talk as part of a social function. The nature of the talk will be determined by the prize recipient, the Meeting Director and the Chair of the Excellence in Teaching Award Committee.
  3. To write to the candidate(s) and to the individual(s) who submitted the nomination for each of the nominations not chosen to receive the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award.
  4. To ensure that copies of applications for those nominees not selected for the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award are maintained at the Executive Office for a period of three years (two more competitions from the time of the original nomination).
  5. To report to the Board on any information related to the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award Selection.

No members of a committee, regular or affiliated, can be nominated for an award from that committee.


1 Chair+ three members

Terms of Reference

The Fellowship recognizes CMS members who have made excellent contributions to mathematical research, teaching, or exposition; as well as having distinguished themselves in service to Canada’s mathematical community. In exceptional cases, outstanding contributions to one of these areas may be recognized by fellowship. The target number of Fellows is to be determined, and revisited at least once every ten years. The intended size of each year’s class of new Fellows should be set with this target in mind. The number of Fellows (excluding Emeriti) shall not exceed 10% of the CMS membership.

  • To recognize mathematicians who have made significant contributions to the profession and to the Canadian mathematical community.
  • To create an honour that will make mathematicians more competitive when being compared to colleagues from other academic disciplines.
  • To support the advancement of mathematicians to leadership positions within their own organisations and the broader society.
  • To increase the relevance and visibility of the CMS.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. In cooperation with the CMS Executive Office, to ensure that calls for nominations appear in the appropriate issues of the CMS Notes (with March 31 as the deadline for applications).
  2. To receive copies of all applications received between February 1 and March 31 each year and to select the recipient(s) to become CMS Fellows by May 15. Any current member of the CMS not on the Selection Committee may make a nomination and self-nominations are not accepted. A CMS member may nominate a maximum of two Fellows in a calendar year.
  3. To communicate the Committee’s decision to the President and to the Executive Director. Those members who are chosen by the Selection Committee are invited by the CMS President to become new Fellows of the CMS. Individuals may decline an invitation to become a Fellow, and Fellows may resign at any time.
  4. In consultation with the Executive Office, to arrange for the Fellow certificate to be presented at the CMS Winter meeting. Each recipient is invited to the banquet to receive their recognition. One complimentary banquet ticket will be offered.
  5. To ensure that copies of applications for those nominees not selected as Fellows are maintained at the Executive Office for a further two years.
  6. To ensure that all new Fellows are included in the CMS Notes each year and listed on the CMS website as long as they maintain membership. Upon retirement, a Fellow becomes a “Fellow Emeritus“.
  7. To submit an annual report to the Executive Director and to provide the Executive Committee with information related to CMS Fellows.
  8. To make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding CMS Fellows, the selection process or its terms of reference.

Eligibility of CMS Fellows

To be eligible for nomination to CMS Fellowship, an individual must be a CMS member for the year in which he or she is nominated as well as for the prior year. If not already a Fellow, the CMS President-elect is made a Fellow upon election. Recipients of the following CMS awards shall automatically be invited to become Fellows: the David Borwein Distinguished Career Award and the Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service. Recipients of the following CMS awards, who have also served the CMS as Vice-president or Chair of a CMS Committee (not including subcommittees) or as editors-in-chief of the CMS Bulletin or Journal, shall automatically be invited to become Fellows: the Adrien Pouliot Award, the Excellence in Teaching Award, the Jeffrey-Williams Prize, the Krieger-Nelson Prize, and the Coxeter-James Prize.


The Selection Committee will consist of five (5) (non-Emeritus) Fellows who are current CMS members. Members shall normally serve two-year terms, which shall be staggered. The CMS President will automatically become an ex officio member of the committee, starting in the January of the last year of their term, and then continuing past the end of the presidency to a full two year term (first year as a regular committee member and second year as Chair). The CMS Executive Committee will appoint the new member(s) of the Selection Committee in December of each year.

1 Chair (Past-President)+ 3 members
+ President

Terms of Reference

To oversee, in accordance with policies determined by the Board of Directors, the financial activities of the Society and to advise the Board on general financial policy. The committee should meet in person or virtually before each CMS Board of Directors semi-annual meetings, minimum twice per year.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To ensure that adequate records of the assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements are being maintained.
  2. To review the budget for the Operations Fund prior to submission to the Executive and the Board of Directors.
  3. To recommend to the Board financial policies for the Society including, but not limited to, long-term financial policy, long-term investment policy, administration of the Endowment Fund, changes in fees and the format of the Society’s financial reports.
  4. To seek to maintain and improve the financial health of the Society and, when appropriate, to liaise with the CMS Fund Raising Committee.
  5. At each October meeting, to determine the allocations of the revenues provided by the CMS Invested Funds Committee from the CMS Endowment Fund and the Mathematical Olympiads Fund in accordance with the appropriate Terms of Reference, including the amount for the annual Endowment Grants Competition and to submit such allocations to the Board of Directors for approval.
  6. To report to the Board on the financial aspects of the Society.


The Chair shall not be the Treasurer nor the Executive Director and the two other members shall normally be appointed for three-year terms and such that the terms are staggered.

1 Chair+ 2 members
+ Chair – Invested Funds Committee (ex-officio)
+ Treasurer (ex-officio)
+ Executive Director (ex-officio)
+ Immediate Past-President or President-Elect (ex-officio)
+ President (ex-officio)

Terms of Reference

All members of the CMS Human Rights of Mathematicians Committee (CHMC) are appointed by the CMS Executive Committee to a three-year term to advise the Executive Committee on Human rights matters when the occasion arises.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To submit recommendations for appropriate action to the Executive Committee. These actions may include the circulation of petitions and letters of support addressing the responsible authorities in the name of the Society and/or its members.
  2. To report to the Executive Committee on matters related to the violations of the human rights of mathematicians or academic freedom, in particular Canadian mathematicians abroad.


The CHMC consists of a chair, who is appointed by the President, and five (5) regular voting members from each of the five regions of Canada in addition to the President or the President’s delegate (ex-officio) and other ex-officio members as needed.

1 Chair+ 1 member from each of the five regions in Canada
+ President or President’s delegate (ex-officio)
+ other non-voting ex-officio members as needed

Terms of Reference

To oversee, in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors, and in accordance with policies outlined in contracts between the CMS and other agencies, the activities associated with international mathematics organizations. To consider other matters of an international nature which are of interest to the Canadian mathematical community.


The International Affairs (IA) Committee is responsible for relations with international organizations and support of the National Research Council’s international affiliations relating to mathematics or mathematics education. The membership of the IA Committee shall be such as to ensure geographic, linguistic, gender and discipline distribution. For the International Mathematical Union, the IA Committee acts as the Canadian National Committee (CNC/IMU).

Some of the duties of the IA Committee include; reporting annually to the National Research
Council (NRC) and selecting the Canadian official delegates to international meetings (see below).

The mandate of this committee extends beyond the CMS to other organizations with interests in mathematics. The IA Committee must consult with such other groups as may be appropriate.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To bring to the attention of the Canadian mathematical community the views of international organizations such as the International Mathematical Union (IMU), the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), and to provide information about the activities of such organizations. To distribute documentation and newsletters as appropriate.
  2. To collect and reconcile the views of the Canadian mathematical community on relevant issues and communicate those views to international organizations.
  3. To identify, to represent, and to promote the capabilities and strengths of the Canadian mathematical community internationally, such as by providing a list of nominations for ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians) speakers to the IMU, and by nominating individuals to the annual Heidelberg Laureate forum.
  4. To select the official Canadian delegates to attend international meetings of the governing bodies of international mathematics organizations, subject to official appointment by the other agencies as appropriate.

    The CMS does not provide reimbursement for the travel and related expenses for the official delegates.

  5. To appoint the five official delegates who will attend the meeting of the General Assembly of the IMU which is held once every four years.

    These delegates will communicate the policies of NRC regarding issues related to finances, constitution, and by-laws and will give careful consideration to the advice and guidance of NRC on other issues.

  6. To provide a written report to the Head of International Affairs at NRC regarding the discussions and decisions of the meeting of the General Assembly of the IMU, demonstrating compliance with guidance given by NRC.
  7. To report to the Board on international affairs of importance to the Canadian mathematical community.
  8. To provide an annual report to the CMS Executive Office for the CMS annual report.


The IA Committee will consist of the Chair and four other appointed members, each for four-year staggered terms, renewable once. The ex-officio members from CAIMS, SSC and CMESG need not be members of the CMS.

1 Chair+ 4 members
+ CMS President or delegate (ex-officio)
+ CAIMS President or delegate (ex-officio)
+ SSC President or delegate (ex-officio)
+ CMESG President or delegate (ex-officio)

Terms of Reference

To celebrate Canadian mathematicians and encourage recognition of mathematical achievements of the Canadian community in the world, the CMS Prize Committee will nominate members of Canadian Mathematical Society to non-CMS or international awards.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. to compile a list of mathematical prizes being offered by prestigious mathematical organizations and institutes around the world;
  2. to review the eligibility criteria for the said prizes and nominate members of the mathematical society whose excellence in research and/or education merit recognition and celebration outside of CMS;
  3. to strengthen its collaboration with other mathematical societies, organizations and institutes around the world to introduce accomplished Canadian mathematicians;
  4. in collaboration with the Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness Committee, Reconciliation in Mathematics Committee and Women in Math Committee, to consider a diverse set of nominations that include women, indigenous, members of unrepresented minority groups women in mathematics, those with disabilities, LGBTQ+ communities as well as other underrepresented groups in Canada and in the Society.


The CMS Prize Committee will consist of a chair and five (5) regular voting members from each of the five regions of Canada in addition to the President or the President’s delegate (ex-officio), Chairs of Research and Education Committee and other ex-officio members as needed.

1 Chair+ 1 member from each of the five regions in Canada
+ President or President’s delegate (ex-officio)
+ Chair – Research Committee (ex-officio)
+ Chair – Education Committee (ex-officio)
+ other non-voting members as needed

Terms of Reference

The CMS Invested Funds Committee is responsible to the Board for the administration of the CMS Endowed Funds. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, invest CMS contingency funds in parallel with the CMS Endowed Funds and then the Invested Funds Committee is responsible to the Board for the administration of the CMS contingency funds.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To select the Investment Management Firm by such processes as the Invested Funds Committee deems prudent, subject to approval by the Board.
  2. To ensure that the CMS Endowed Funds and, if applicable, the CMS Legacy Funds, are invested in accordance with the Principles for the Preservation of Capital determined by the Board and to review the investment performance of these funds, at least semi-annually, and, as necessary and desirable and in accordance with the prescribed objectives, make recommendations to the Board regarding any changes to the bench marks, asset mixes, risk characteristics, management objectives, etc.Currently the funds are invested in indexed funds with an asset mix approximately, 30% Canadian Real Return Bond Pooled Fund, 15% – Canadian Equity Index Fund, 30% – Global Equity Index Fund and 25%-Canadian Short Term. 
  3. To ensure that, in a timely manner, gifts and donations received by the Society and included in the CMS Endowed Funds are placed in allowable and appropriate investments.
  4. To ensure that each endowment fund is administered in accordance with its Terms of Reference as approved by the CMS Board of Directors and the original donor, if applicable.
  5. To ensure that separate accounts are maintained for each endowment fund.
  6. To review the annual revenues and expenditures for each endowment fund.
  7. To ensure that the Principles for the Preservation of Capital are followed.
  8. To review the performance and administration of the Endowed Funds and, if applicable, the CMS Legacy Funds, and to make recommendations to the Board as appropriate.
  9. To review the membership of the Committee and makes recommendations to the Board as appropriate.
  10. To report to the Board of Directors on the CMS Endowed Funds and, as necessary, the CMS contingency funds.


In addition to the Chair of the Invested Funds Committee, who shall not be the CMS President, the CMS Treasurer nor the CMS Executive Director, normally three other members shall be appointed for three-year terms and such that the terms are staggered. In addition to its mandated membership, the Invested Funds Committee may appoint up to three consultants, with voting rights, for three-year terms.

The Chair and the three other members shall be members of the CMS whereas the consultants need not be members of the CMS.

The Chair of the Invested Funds Committee is an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.

1 Chair+ 3 members
+ up to 3 consultants

Terms of Reference

To oversee, in accordance with the policies and regulations determined by the Board of Directors, the activities associated with the annual Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC), the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO), the Canadian Junior Mathematical Olympiad (CJMO) the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR), the Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program (MOTCP), the Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program (MOCP), as well as Canadian participation in the Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO), the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) and the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO).

The end-of-term for members of the Mathematical Competitions Committee (MCC), the four sub-committees (see below), and the MOCP Coordinator is August 31.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To determine the number of members and the lengths of term, for each of the four subcommittees:
      • the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Committee (COMCC),
      • the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Committee (CMOC),
      • the International Mathematical Olympiad Committee (IMOC),
      • the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad Committee (EGMOC).

    Note: Each sub-committee is responsible for a particular aspect of the Society’s competition activities.

  2. To appoint the chairs and members for the four sub-committees given above.
  3. To appoint the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Canadian team to the IMO. The appointments should be made at least one year before the particular IMO competition.
  4. To approve the observers who will be accompanying the Canadian team.
  5. To appoint the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Canadian team to the EGMO. The appointments should be made at least one year before the particular EGMO competition.
  6. To approve the observers who will be accompanying the Canadian team.
  7. To inform the Executive Director of all appointments made by the MCC.
  8. In consultation with the chairs of the COMC Committee and the CMO Committee, to approve the dates of the COMC, the CMOQR, the CJMO, and the CMO.

    Normally, the COMC is written on a Thursday between October 15 and November 15 inclusive, the CMOQR is written over a one-week period in January or February, and the CMO and CJMO are written on the second Thursday on March.

  9. To ensure that promotional materials for the annual COMC and CMO are produced and distributed and that the Executive Director or CMS coordinator receives the information necessary for the media releases announcing (i) the COMC and the CMO, (ii) the results of the COMC and the CMO, and (iii) information related to the Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program, the APMO and Canada’s participation at the annual IMO and EGMO.

    The Chair of the MCC is to approve all materials prior to distribution.

  10. To ensure that participation, prize and other certificates and plaques for the COMC, the CMO, the APMO, the EGMO and the IMO are prepared, signed and awarded.
  11. To ensure, where necessary, reports, results and other information are distributed to the chairs of the sub-committees and to the Executive Director.
  12. In consultation with the Executive Director and the chairs of the sub-committees, to ensure that the results of the COMC, the CMO and Canada’s participation at the APMO, EGMO and the IMO are distributed to provincial ministries of education and to corporate sponsors, by the CMS office as appropriate.
  13. To ensure that appropriate resource and training materials for the annual COMC, CMO, APMO, EGMO and IMO competitions are developed.
  14. In consultation with the chairs of the four sub-committees, to review the annual budget proposal for the Society’s competition activities including registration fees, the prizes for the COMC, the CMO, the EGMO and the IMO, the fees associated with Canada’s participation in international mathematical olympiads, the expenses associated with the MOCP and the olympiad training camps, the production of training and resource materials, as well as the three sub-committees and other administrative costs.
  15. To assist the Executive Office in the preparation of an annual financial statement for the Society’s overall mathematical competition activities.
  16. To ensure that a Mathematical Competitions Committee delegate is chosen to be an ex-officio member of the COMC sub-committee.
  17. To review the general funding of the Society’s competition activities.
  18. To review the Society’s national and international mathematical competition activities, including the Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program and the Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program and make recommendations as appropriate.
  19. To report to the Board on the Society’s mathematical competition activities.


1 Chair+ up to 5 members (not all from the same region in Canada)
+ Chair – Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Committee (ex-officio)
+ Chair – Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Committee (ex-officio)
+ Chair – International Mathematical Olympiad Committee (ex-officio)
+ Chair – Math Camps Committee (ex-officio)
+ Chair – European Girls Mathematical Olympiad Committee (ex-officio)
+ ATOM Series Editorial Board delegate (ex-officio)
+ Executive Director (ex-officio)
+ President’s delegate (ex-officio)

The Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Committee


To be eligible to write the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC) as an official candidate and be eligible to receive awards, a student must:

  • have been in full-time attendance at an elementary or secondary school or CEGEP since January of the year of the COMC,
  • be less than 19 years old as of June 30 of the year of the COMC, and
  • have paid the required registration fee.

Terms of Reference

The Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Committee (COMCC) is a sub-committee of the Mathematical Competitions Committee (MCC) and is responsible to the MCC for the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge. In addition, the COMCC and the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Committee (CMOC) are jointly responsible to the MCC for the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR).

The end-of-term for members of the COMCC is August 31.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To ensure that the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge is conducted in accordance with the contract established for the COMC.
  2. To ensure, jointly with the CMO Committee, that the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Repêchage is conducted in accordance with the contract established for the CMOQR.
  3. To provide information to the Chair of the MCC and the Executive Director or the CMS office so that media releases can be prepared related to the COMC.
  4. To provide assistance to the MCC regarding the development of appropriate training and resource materials.
  5. To review an annual budget proposal by the CMS office for the costs associated with the setting, distributing, marking and awards for the COMC and CMOQR, and for the expenses associated with the COMCC.
  6. To provide the MCC with appropriate information for the preparation of the annual report of the Society’s mathematical competition activities.
  7. To make recommendations to the Chair of the MCC regarding the COMC and CMOQR.


The COMCC will consist of the Chair, a member of the MCC and one other member appointed by the Mathematical Competitions Committee. The lengths of term of the Chair and the other member will be such that the terms are consistent with contract for the COMC.

1 Chair+ one member
+ Mathematical Competitions Committee delegate (ex-officio)


Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Committee


To be eligible to receive prizes and other official awards for the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) and Canadian Junior Mathematical Olympiad (CJMO), a student must:

  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is registered in full-time attendance at a Canadian or non-Canadian elementary or secondary school or CEGEP since September of the year prior to the CMO,
  • be less than 20 years old as of June 30 of the year of the CMO,
  • not have written the Putnam Mathematical Competition as an official candidate.


1. The Putnam Competition is for undergraduate university students and is organized by the Mathematical Association of America.

2. Taking individual university courses will not harm a student’s eligibility for the CMO.

3. International Mathematical Olympiad eligibility rules may differ from CMO rules.

4. In the case of the CJMO all of the eligibility criteria outlined above and the student needs to be enrolled in Grade 10 or below.

To be invited to write the CMO and CJMO, a student must have written the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge (COMC) and, in addition, the student must either (i) qualify directly for the CMO by obtaining the required result on the COMC, or (ii) be invited to write the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR) and qualify for the CMO by obtaining the required result on the CMOQR. The required results on the COMC will be such that approximately 50 students qualify directly for the CMO, and approximately the next 75- 150 are invited to write the CMOQR. The required result on the CMOQR will be such that a total of approximately 80 students will write the CMO.

In some circumstances, the Chair of the CMOC, in consultation with the Chair of the MCC, may authorize other students to write the CMO. Similarly, in some circumstances, the Chairs of the COMCC and CMOC, in consultation with the Chair of the MCC, may authorize other students to write the CMOQR.

The eligibility requirements for the CMOQR are the same as for the COMC.

Note: The results of the CMOQR are not announced publicly.

For CJMO all eligible students will first be considered for CMO qualification. The eligible students with the highest scores on the COMC who did not qualify for the CMO will be instead invited to write the CJMO. This will include the eligible students who qualified for CMOQR but did not subsequently receive a CMO invite, as well as possibly a selection of students below the cutoff for CMOQR. The required cutoff for the CJMO will be so that approximately 20-40 students are invited to write the CJMO. In some circumstances, the Chair of the CMOC, in consultation with the Chair of the MCC, may authorize other students to write the CJMO.

Terms of Reference

The Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Committee (CMOC) is a sub-committee of the Mathematical Competitions Committee (MCC) and is responsible to the MCC for the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad and the Canadian Junior Mathematical Olympiad. In addition, the CMOC and the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Committee (COMCC) are jointly responsible to the MCC for the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR).

The end-of-term for members of the CMOC is August 31.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To provide information to the Chair of the MCC, the CMS office and to Executive Director so that media releases can be prepared related to the CMO, CJMO and CMOQR.
  2. To set and translate the examination for the annual CMO and CJMO in cooperation with the Executive office.
  3. In consultation with the Chair of the COMC, to approve the letter issued by Executive office to those students selected to write the CMO and CJMO.
  4. In cooperation with the Executive Office and the Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Committee, to print and distribute the CMO and CJMO examinations to the appropriate school principals or heads of mathematics.
  5. To ensure that the CMO and CJMO scripts are marked and that, the rankings for the CMO are established.
  6. To verify with the Executive Committee that prize winners of the CMO and CJMO satisfy the eligibility requirements above.
  7. To ensure that the results of the CMO are sent to the Chair of the MCC, to the chairs of the other sub-committees, and to the Executive office.
  8. To ensure, jointly with the COMC Committee, that the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualifying Repêchage is conducted in accordance with the contract established for the CMOQR.
  9. In consultation with Chair of the MCC, to organize the CMS Competitions Awards Banquet and to ensure that invitations are sent to sponsoring companies and governments.
  10. To provide assistance to the MCC regarding the development of appropriate training and resource materials.
  11. To review with the Executive office and the Chair of the MCC an annual budget proposal for the costs associated with the setting, distributing marking and prizes for the CMO, and for the expenses associated with the CMOC.
  12. To provide the MCC with appropriate information for the preparation of the annual report of the Society’s mathematical competition activities.
  13. To make recommendations to the Chair of the MCC regarding the CMO, CJMO and CMOQR.


The CMOC will consist of the Chair and up to 11 other members appointed by the Mathematical Competitions Committee for three-year terms, such that some of the terms are staggered and such that five members of the CMOC are from a different region in Canada to that of the Chair. The Chair is to be a member in good standing of the CMS but the other members of the CMOC need not be members of the CMS.

1 Chair+ five members (from regions in Canada different from that of the Chair)
+ other members, normally five
+ Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge Committee delegate (ex-officio)
+ Junior CMO Coordinator (ex-officio)


European Girls Mathematical Olympiad Committee


To be invited to attend an EGMO Training Camp, and to be eligible to be a member of the Canadian team to the annual European Girls Mathematical Olympiad, a student must:

  • be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident who is registered in full-time attendance at a Canadian or non-Canadian elementary or secondary school or CEGEP,
  • have been born less than twenty years before 1 April of the year of participation at the EGMO,
  • be a female,

    Note: The Putnam Competition is for undergraduate university students and is organized by
    the Mathematical Association of America.

  • indicate that, if selected, she will accept to be a member of the Canadian team to the EGMO competition.

Terms of Reference

The European Girls Mathematical Olympiad Committee (EGMO) is a sub-committee of the Mathematical Competitions Committee (MCC) and is responsible to the MCC for the European Girls Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program (EGMOTCP) and the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad Competition. The end-of-term for members of the EGMOC is August 31.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To provide information to the Chair of the MCC and to the Executive Office so that media releases can be prepared related to the EGMO.
  2. To select with the executive office the sites and dates for the CMS European Girls Mathematical Olympiad Training Camps.
  3. To appoint coaches and other individuals, and to ensure that housing and other arrangements are made during the training camps. The European Girls Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program (EGMOTCP) is a series of camps designed to identify students who have the potential to be members of the Canadian team to the EGMO and to provide training for those students who are being considered to be a member of the Canadian team or have been selected to be a member of the Canadian team at the EGMO.

    The National Math Camp is held each year for approximately 25 young Canadian students with at least two years remaining in high school and with the potential to compete at the mathematical olympiad level. The National Math Camp usually lasts for a week and takes place in the third week of June.

    The EGMO Training Camps are for those students who are preparing to compete at the next EGMO competition. The EGMO Training Camps is for the four students who have been selected to be members of the Canadian EGMO team. The EGMO Training Camp takes place in February or March for the team departing for the EGMO competition and usually lasts four days over the weekend. The location of the EGMO Training Camp is selected so that travel from the contestants to the camp is as convenient as possible. The summer training camp is designed to identify students who have the potential to be members of the Canadian team to the EGMO and provide training for students being considered to be a team member.

  4. To ensure that students are selected and invited to participate in the Summer EGMO Camp and the Winter EGMO Training Camp and, in conjunction with the Chair of the MCC and the Executive office, to ensure that appropriate travel and other arrangements are made with the executive office of the CMS.
  5. To appoint coaches and other individuals, and to ensure that housing and other arrangements are made during the EGMO training camps. The European Girls Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program (EGMOTCP) is a series of camps designed to provide training to students who have the potential to be members of the Canadian team to the EGMO and to provide further in depth training for those students who are being considered to be a member of the Canadian team or have been selected to be a member of the Canadian team at the EGMO.

    The National Math Camp is held each year for approximately 25 young Canadian students with at least two years remaining in high school and with the potential to compete at the mathematical olympiad level. The National Math Camp usually lasts for a week and takes place in the third week of June.

    The summer EGMO training camp is designed to provide training to 10-20 students who have the potential to be members of the Canadian team to the EGMO in the coming years.

    The winter EGMO Training Camps are for those students who are preparing to compete at the next EGMO competition. The olympiads winter training camp in January is for those students who are preparing to compete at the next EGMO and IMO competitions. The Winter EGMO Training Camp is for the four students who have been selected to be members of the Canadian EGMO team and up to two alternates. The EGMO Training Camp takes place in February or March for the team departing for the EGMO competition and usually lasts four days over the weekend. The location of the EGMO Training Camp is selected so that travel from the contestants to the camp is as convenient as possible.

  6. To ensure that students are selected and invited to participate in the Summer EGMO Camp, the international olympiads winter training camp and the Winter EGMO Training Camp and, in conjunction with the Chair of the MCC and the Executive office, to ensure that appropriate travel and other arrangements are made with the executive office of the CMS.
  7. To ensure the deputy leader submits up to six proposed problems, with solutions, to be received by the Problem Selection Committee no later than the date specified in the Annual Regulations.
  8. To provide assistance to the MCC regarding the development of appropriate training and resource materials.
  9. To review with the executive office and submit to the Chair of the MCC an annual budget proposal for the costs associated with Canada’s participation in the EGMO.
  10. To provide the MCC with appropriate information for the preparation of the annual report of the Society’s mathematical competition activities.
  11. To review the EGMOTCP and to make recommendations to the MCC regarding olympiad training activities.
  12. To make recommendations to the MCC regarding Canadian participation in the EGMO and related matters.


  1. To recommend to the Chair of the MCC, the Leader, and Deputy Leader of the Canadian team to the EGMO. The recommendations for the Leader and Deputy Leader should be made no later than July 1 of the year before the particular EGMO competition.
  2. To inform the Chair of the MCC and the chairs of the other sub-committees of the eligibility requirements for the next EGMO competition and of any other decisions taken by the International Jury of the EGMO.

The Leader should be sufficiently involved in mathematics to carry out the following responsibilities:

    • Inform the team members, and the Deputy Leader of the regulations for the EGMO. In particular, the Leader must inform the team members that the use of books, papers, tables, calculators, protractors, computers and communication devices are not allowed.
    • Submit to the EGMO Problem Selection Committee up to six proposed problems, with solutions in English, to be received by the Problem Selection Committee no later than the date specified in the Annual Regulations.
    • Attend all the meetings of the International Jury of the EGMO and take part in the work of the Jury. Before the contest is held, each leader may vote in the decisions of the Jury and has one vote. After the contest has been written, only Leaders of official European teams may vote in the decisions of the Jury and each such Leader has one vote.
    • Inform the International Jury of any short listed problem that is already known to her/him, her/his team or other people involved in the preparation of the Canadian team.
    • Ensure the preparation of an accurate translation of the chosen problems into a team member’s own language for use of her/his team, if necessary.
    • Evaluate the team member’s solutions and participate in the coordination of the problems.
    • Ensure that the results of the Canadian EGMO team are sent to the Chair of the EGMOC , the Chair of the MCC, and to the Executive Office as soon as possible after the results have been approved by the International Jury.
    • In consultation with the Deputy Leader, prepare a report on the Canadian participation at the EGMO competition and distribute this report to the Chair of the MCC, to the Chair of EGMOC, and to the Executive Director.


1 Chair+ One extra member
+ EGMO Leader
+ EGMO Deputy Leader

International Mathematical Olympiad Committee


To be invited to attend an IMO Training Camp, and to be eligible to be a member of the Canadian team to the annual International Mathematical Olympiad, a student must:

  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is registered in full-time attendance at a Canadian or non-Canadian elementary or secondary school or CEGEP,
  • be less than 20 years old as of the date of the Second Examination Day of the IMO competition,
  • have not been and will not be enrolled in a degree-granting programme as a regular student at a university prior to August 1 of the year of the IMO,
  • not have written the Putnam Mathematical Competition,

    Note: The Putnam Competition is for undergraduate university students and is organized by the Mathematical Association of America.
  • indicate that, if selected, she/he will accept to be a member of the Canadian team to the IMO competition.

Terms of Reference

The International Mathematical Olympiad Committee (IMOC) is a sub-committee of the Mathematical Competitions Committee (MCC) and is responsible to the MCC for the Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program (MOTCP) and the Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program (MOCP) as well as activities associated with Canadian participation in the Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO) and in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

The end-of-term for members of the IMOC is August 31.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To recommend to the Chair of the MCC, the person to be appointed the Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program Coordinator.
  2. To provide information to the Chair of the MCC and to the Executive office so that media releases can be prepared related to the MOTCP, the MOCP, the APMO, the IMO, and other related events.
  3. To select the sites and dates for the CMS Mathematical Olympiad Training Camps with the Executive office, to appoint coaches and other individuals, and to ensure that housing and other arrangements are made.
    • The Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program (MOTCP) is a series of camps designed to identify students who have the potential to be members of the Canadian team to the IMO and to provide training for those students who are being considered to be a member of the Canadian team or have been selected to be a member of the Canadian team to the IMO.
    • The National Math Camp is held each year for approximately 25 young Canadian students with at least two years remaining in high school and with the potential to compete at the mathematical olympiad level. The National Math Camp usually last for a week and takes place in the third week of June.
    • The IMO Training Camps are for those students who are preparing to compete at the next IMO competition. The Winter IMO Training Camp is for approximately 20 students who are the most likely candidates to be selected for the next Canadian IMO team. The Winter IMO Training Camp usually lasts about three days and takes place in early January. The Summer IMO Training Camps is for the six students who have been selected to be members of the Canadian IMO team. The Summer IMO Training Camps takes place just prior to the team departing for the IMO competition and usually lasts at least two weeks. The location of the Summer IMO Training Camp is usually so selected such that travel from the Camp to the IMO competition is as convenient as possible.
  4. To ensure that students are selected and invited to participate in the National Math Camp and the Winter IMO Training Camp and, in conjunction with the Chair of the MCC and the Executive Director, to ensure that appropriate travel and other arrangements are made with the Executive office of CMS.
  5. To appoint one or more persons to send proposed problems to the organizers of the annual APMO and the IMO by the required deadline. These persons should not be directly involved in the training of students who will write either the APMO or the IMO that year.
  6. To prepare a report on the results of the APMO and IMO competitions, the MOTCP and the MOCP, and to distribute this report to the Chair of the MCC and to the Executive Director.
  7. To provide assistance to the MCC regarding the development of appropriate training and resource materials.
  8. To review with the Executive office and submit to the Chair of the MCC an annual budget proposal for the costs associated with Canada’s participation in the APMO and the IMO, the costs for the MOTCP, the MOCP and for the expenses associated with the IMOC.
  9. To provide the MCC with appropriate information for the preparation of the annual report of the Society’s mathematical competition activities.
  10. To review the Mathematical Olympiads Training Camps Program and to make recommendations to the MCC regarding Olympiad training activities.
  11. To review the Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program and to make recommendations to the MCC regarding this program.
  12. To make recommendations to the MCC regarding Canadian participation in the APMO, the IMO and related matters.


  1. To translate and print the APMO.
  2. To select the students to write the APMO and to distribute the APMO examinations to the appropriate school principals.
  3. To ensure that the APMO scripts are marked and that, as soon as possible, the results are sent to the Organizers of the APMO, to the Chair of the MCC, to the chairs of the other sub-committees, to the Coordinator of the MOCP, and to the Executive Director.
  4. To ensure that any awards are distributed to the students and that the results are also distributed to the appropriate schools.


  1. To recommend to the Chair of the MCC, the Leader, Deputy Leader and observers of the Canadian team to the IMO. The recommendations for the Leader and Deputy Leader should be made no later than May 1 of the year before the particular IMO competition.
  2. To inform the Chair of the MCC and the chairs of the other sub-committees of the eligibility requirements for the next IMO competition and of any other decisions taken by the International Jury of the IMO.

    The Leader should be sufficiently involved in mathematics to carry out the following responsibilities:

        • Inform the team members, the Deputy Leader and the observers of the regulations for the IMO. In particular, the Leader must inform the team members that the use of notebooks, mathematical tables, calculators, computers, etc. is not allowed.
        • Submit to the IMO Problem Selection Committee a copy of the CMO paper used in the selection of the Canadian team.
        • Attend all the meetings of the International Jury of the IMO and take part in the work of the Jury.
        • Inform the International Jury of any short listed problem that is already known to her/him, her/his team or other people involved in the preparation of the Canadian team.
        • Ensure the preparation of an accurate translation of the chosen problems into a team member’s own language for use of her/his team, if necessary.
        • Evaluate the team member’s solutions and participate in the coordination of the problems.
        • Ensure that the results of the Canadian IMO team are sent to the Chair of the IMOC and to the Executive Director as soon as possible after the results have been approved by the International Jury.
        • During the IMO, provide representatives of the next host country with the name and address of the CMS Executive Director, the person to whom documents and invitations for Canada should be sent.
        • Inform the Chair of the IMOC of decisions taken by the International Jury of the IMO.
        • In consultation with the Deputy Leader, prepare a report on the Canadian participation at the IMO competition and to distribute this report to the Chair of the MCC, to the Chair of IMOC, and to the Executive Director.
        • Bring back relevant materials from the IMO and submit copies to the Chair of the IMOC.

    The Deputy Leader should be sufficiently involved in mathematics to provide assistance to the Leader and, in an emergency, to replace the Leader. In particular the Deputy Leader should:

        • Supervise the conduct and welfare of the team during the travel to and from the host country as well during the entire period of the IMO competition.
        • Inform the team members, of the regulations for the IMO. In particular, the Deputy Leader must ensure each team member is aware that the use of notebooks, mathematical tables, calculators, computers, etc. is not allowed.
        • Assist the Leader with the evaluation of the team member’s solutions and participate in the coordination of the problems.
  3. To select the six student members of the Canadian team and to provide details of the team to the Chair of the MCC and to the Executive Director.
  4. To provide the necessary information to the Executive Director, so that the registration forms for all members of the Canadian delegation are completed and that, together with any fees, they are sent to the IMO organizing committee by the required deadline and that copies are sent to the Chair of the MCC.
  5. In conjunction with the Executive Director, to ensure that travel and other arrangements are made and that medical and liability coverage is in place for all members of the Canadian delegation to the IMO competition.
  6. To obtain written permission from the parents of each Canadian team member to the IMO regarding guardianship, waiver of liability and a brief medical record.
  7. In conjunction with the Executive office, to seek donations from the parents, school principals and school boards towards the travel costs of the Canadian team members to attend the IMO competition.
  8. To transmit the results of the Canadian IMO team to the Chair of the MCC, the chairs of the other sub-committees, and to the MOCP Coordinator, as soon as possible following completion of the IMO competition.
  9. To distribute copies of the materials from the IMO that were received from the Leader to the Chair of the CMOC, to the Olympiad Editor of CRUX, and to the Executive Director.


The IMOC will consist of the Chair and two other members appointed by the Mathematical Competitions Committee for three-year terms and such that the terms are staggered. The IMOC will also comprise the MOCP Coordinator (ex-officio) as well as the current and past Canadian IMO Team Leaders (ex-officio). The Chair is to be a member of the CMS in good standing but the other members of the IMOC need not be members of the CMS.

1 Chair+ 2 members
+ Chair – Mathematical Competitions Committee (ex-officio)
+ Executive Director
+ Mathematical Olympiads Correspondence Program Coordinator (ex-officio)
+ Current Canadian IMO Team Leader (ex-officio)

Terms of Reference

To ensure that the elections to the Executive and Board of Directors are conducted in accordance with the Society’s General Operating By-law. To monitor when the terms of office of chairs and members of CMS standing committees and appointed officers of the Board expire and to submit nominations to the Board, through the Executive Committee, in accordance with policies determined by the Board with the exception of its own members and the Student Committee. To review the terms of reference for each standing committee. To consider other matters related to the nomination of candidates.


The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Board upon a recommendation from the Executive. In addition to the President and the Immediate Past-President or President-Elect, who shall serve, ex-officio, the Committee will consist of a chair and five other members from, and representing, the five regions in Canada. The appointed members shall have normally four-year staggered terms and be such that the terms commence January 1. The term of the Chair shall normally be for two years followed by two years as the member representing the appropriate region in Canada.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. To ensure that the elections to the Executive and to the Board of Directors are conducted in accordance with the General Operating By-law of the Society. Namely:

    • The Committee shall determine the time and place for a Special General Meeting at which the tellers’ report referred to in paragraph 11.8 of the General Operating By-law shall be presented and at which such other items of business shall be transacted as the Board or the President shall determine.
    • In accordance with paragraph 11.7 of the General Operating By-law, and subject to the provisions of paragraph 10.2, the Committee shall nominate members (not limited to the number to be elected) who have agreed to stand for election to and to serve on the Board as president-elect/president, vice-president or director (but not Immediate past-president). The Chair shall arrange for this initial list of candidates to be circulated to the membership at least four months before the said Special General Meeting, with the announcement that the names of other members whose nominations are supported in writing by at least five other members, and who agree in writing to stand for election and to serve, will be added to the list, provided that such nominations are received at least three months before the said Special General Meeting.
    • Each candidate may stand for one position only – president-elect, vice-president or director.
    • Candidates shall be responsible for forwarding to the Chair of the Committee their agreements to serve and their curricula vitae in a form as may be required by the Committee mostly via CMS nomination web interface.
    • The Committee shall ensure that agreements to serve have been received for the final list of candidates, and that a ballot, curricula vitae and balloting instructions (including the date when ballots must be received at the Executive Office) are approved and are sent to each member at least ten weeks before the said Special General Meeting.
    • Ballots shall be counted six weeks before the said Special General Meeting.
    • The Committee shall appoint three tellers to count the votes, break ties and record successful candidates in accordance with the following scheme:
        1. Election of Officers by general vote:
            • President-Elect: 1
            • Vice-presidents (no two from one region): 5
          • Upon election, the officer elected as President-Elect shall serve in this capacity for a one-year term followed by a two-year term as President and then immediate Past-President for a one-year term. The five vice-presidents shall be elected for a four year term.
        2. Directors, in addition to the Officers, shall be elected by general vote to four-year staggered terms.

          The total number of Directors serving from each region (in addition to officers) shall be as follows:

            • Directors resident in the Atlantic Provinces: 2
            • Directors resident in Québec: 3
            • Directors resident in Ontario: 4
            • Directors resident in Western Provinces and Territories (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Nunavut, Northwest Territories): 3
            • Directors resident in Pacific region (British Columbia, Yukon): 3
        3. Election of one (1) Student Director by general vote to a two-year term.
    • The tellers shall certify and forward the results to the Secretary who shall inform all candidates accordingly at least five weeks before the said Special General Meeting. The tellers’ report shall be presented to the said Special General Meeting.

2. In accordance with paragraphs 8.4, 8.6, and 10.4 of the General Operating By-law, the Nominating Committee shall submit a recommendation to the Board in the event of a vacancy occurring on the Board, of a director or of a vice-president.

3. To monitor when the terms of office of those directors appointed by the Board expire, and to ensure that nominations are submitted to the Board in sufficient time for consideration by the Executive prior to the appropriate meeting of the Board.

4. To monitor when the terms of office of chairs and members of CMS standing committees expire, and, in consultation with the current chair of each standing committee, to ensure that 65 nominations are submitted to the Board in sufficient time for consideration by the Executive prior to the appropriate meeting of the Board.

For all appointments taking effect January 1, the Nominating Committee will submit proposed nominations to the Executive Office by September 15.

Unless otherwise specified in these Terms of Reference, all members of CMS standing committees shall be members of the CMS/SMC in good standing. If deemed appropriate, this principle can be waived or a complimentary membership bestowed. Such a recommendation shall accompany the nomination.

5. To ensure that biographical information accompanies each of its nominations to the Board.

For the International Affairs Committee, the Publications Committee and the Research Committee, nominations shall be accompanied by a profile of the committee which briefly describes the research expertise of the existing members and those being nominated.

6. To monitor when the terms of office of the Treasurer expire, and to ensure that nominations are submitted to the Board in sufficient time for consideration by the Executive prior to the appropriate meeting of the Board.

7. In consultation with the Chair of each standing committee, to review any ongoing nonattendance of a member of a standing committee.

The Committee may choose to submit to the Board the name of an individual who shall serve out the remainder of the term of such a member. The Committee, however, may choose to propose a change, permanent or temporary, in the number of members of that standing committee and submit nominations as appropriate.

8. To report to the Board on the Society’s nominations to the Board and to the CMS standing committees and, from time to time, to review the number of members, terms of reference, duties and responsibilities for each CMS standing committee and to make recommendations to the Board as appropriate.


1 Chair+ 5 members (from and representing the Pacific, West, Ontario, Québec, and Atlantic regions)
+ Immediate Past-President or President-Elect (ex-officio)
+ President (ex-officio)

Terms of Reference

To oversee, in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors, the publishing activities of the Society and to monitor the quality of all Society publications. To consider other matters of a publications nature which concern mathematics and/or the Society.


  1. The ex-officio voting member of the Publications Committee shall be the President or the President’s delegate.
  2. The Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM), the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (CMB) and the other editors-in-chief of the Society’s periodical and serial publications shall be consultants to the Publications Committee and are expected to attend meetings of the Committee as observers. The Managing Editor, the Production Editor, and the Web Services Manager are also invited to attend meetings of the Committee as observers.
  3. Editors of periodical or serial publications of the Society cannot be members of the Publications Committee.
  4. Editors and/or editorial boards of the Society’s publications are accountable to the Board of Directors. Editors and/or editorial boards report and submit recommendations for changes in editorial policy to the Chair of the Publications Committee. The Publications Committee, however, is not accountable for the actions taken by an editor of a Society publication.
  5. Whenever the Publications Committee recommends to the Executive for transmission to the Board, a proposal for a significant change in editorial policy in a Society publication, or for the nomination of an editor, it shall make a timely submission in writing to the Executive Director who will send copies to the editors of the publication concerned inviting their comments for consideration by the Executive and the Board.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To review the status of each Society periodical or serial publication and make recommendations as appropriate.
  2. To review proposed changes in editorial policy, publication policy, contracts, etc., in consultation with the editors of the various publications.
  3. To recommend, in consultation with the editors of the various publications, the implementation of new policies or changes in publication policy, including, but not limited to, the format, the method of production, subscription prices and the type and form of material to be published in the different publications.
  4. In consultation with the editors of the CMS Book Series and A Taste of Mathematics (ATOM) Series, to review the status of editorial boards for these series and to make recommendations as appropriate.
  5. To review the draft budget for the Operations Fund (Publications Division) and make recommendations as necessary.
  6. To review the general funding of the Society’s publication activities.
  7. To monitor when the terms of office of any of the editors, members of the editorial boards, etc., of CMS periodical or serial publications expire.

Depending on the publication, the search for an editor-in-chief of each Society publication is to commence no later than 24 or 18 months prior to the date a new editor-in-chief is required. (See Guidelines for Editorial Searches).

Whenever a vacancy arises with regard to the editors-in-chief of CMS periodical and serial publications, members of the Scientific Editorial Board for the CJM and the CMB, the Managing Editor, and Production Editor, the Publications Committee shall recommend to the Executive, for transmission to the Board, nominations for replacements. The Publications Committee shall arrive at its recommendations by its normal decision-making procedures, including calls for nominations, subject to the Guidelines for Editorial Searches described below.

Whenever a vacancy arises with regard to the associate and assistant editors on the CMS Notes Editorial Board, the Crux Mathematicorum Editorial Board or the ATOM Series Editorial Board, the Publications Committee is responsible for appointing replacements subject to obtaining nominations from the appropriate editors-in-chief and, possibly, including a call for nominations. The Chair of the Publications Committee will notify the Managing Editor of all such appointments.

8. To ensure that biographical information accompanies each of its nominations to the Board.

Nominations of associate editors shall be accompanied by a profile of the Scientific Board for the CJM and CMB which briefly describes the research expertise of the current editors and those being nominated.

Editors-in-chief and members of editorial boards shall be members of the CMS in good standing. If deemed appropriate, this principle can be waived or a complimentary membership bestowed. Such a recommendation shall accompany the nomination.

9. To ensure that material is obtained from the editors-in-chief of each of the Society’s periodicals for inclusion in the CMS Annual Report. In particular, to ensure that:

    • the Editors-in-Chief of the CJM and the CMB provide an annual report detailing the status of operations and including such statistics as acceptance rates and the number of papers published in the previous year as well as backlog information,
    • the Editor-in-Chief of Crux Mathematicorum provide an annual report regarding the status of the publication, including the areas and level of the problems submitted, projected production schedule, backlog information, and other relevant details,
    • the Editors-in-Chief of the CMS Book Series and the ATOM Series provide an annual report detailing the books in press, books accepted and other relevant information,
    • the Managing Editor provides an annual report on the overall status of the Society’s publications including the number of subscribers, sales, production information and other relevant details.

Drafts of these reports are to be sent from the editors to the Chair of the Publications Committee and to the Managing Editor no later than December 1, and in final form, by January 31.

10. To ensure that the G. de B. Robinson Award is administered in accordance with the following terms of reference.

Terms of Reference – G. de B. Robinson Award

The G. de B. Robinson Award was inaugurated to recognize the publication of excellent papers in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin and to encourage the submission of the highest quality papers to these journals. The first award was given for papers that appeared in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics in 1994-1995.

    • The Selection Jury will consist of the Associate Editors of the CJM and CMB. At the December meeting of the Publications Committee it shall appoint one of its members as the non-voting Chair of the Jury, or choose to delegate this responsibility to the Editors-in-Chief of the respective journal, in which case they will have a single vote to be used only for tie-breaking. Henceforth, ”Chair” will refer to either the nominated Chair or to the Editors-in-Chief, as the case may be.
    • There shall be maximum one award per year and the mandate to choose the prize winner rests solely at the hands of the Selection Jury.
    • In even years, the last two complete volumes of the CJM will be under consideration and, in odd years, the last two complete volumes of the CMB. The Editors-in-Chief for the journal under consideration shall nominate papers, and after due time for deliberation will strive for a consensus regarding the number of awards and the winning papers from the respective two volumes. The Chair shall invite individual members of the Jury to nominate additional papers. The Chair will then ask the members of the Jury to consider all nominated papers, and after due time for deliberation will strive for a consensus regarding the winning paper. Where consensus cannot be reached, the Chair shall collect and tally the votes from the Jury; each juror shall have 100 votes to allocate among those papers being nominated. The Chair shall make the results known to the Jury. The jurors shall exercise their own mathematical judgement in distributing their votes. Some of the characteristics which they may consider are; clarity, elegance, conciseness, depth and difficulty, and potential impact. The jurors are not responsible for establishing the correctness or originality of the results.
    • The decision as to what paper will receive a G. de B. Robinson Award is to be made no later than June 30 in the year following the appearance of the final issue of the two volumes being considered.
    • The Chair shall communicate the Selection Jury’s decision, together with appropriate biographical and citation material and a brief report on the Jury’s deliberations, to the Chair of the Publications Committee, the President of the CMS and the Executive Director. The Chair will also informally notify the recipient(s), and request that they send biographical material and publicity photos to the Executive Director, unless it is more desirable that this is done by the President. The recipient(s) is (are) to be advised that the decision is to remain confidential until the Society officially releases the name of the recipient(s). The President writes the official letter to the selected candidate(s).
    • The CMS affirms its commitment to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusivity.  In forming any prize selection (sub)committee, chairs will consider appointing external members, and will communicate the composition of the subcommittee to the Executive before the application deadline. Furthermore, no members of a committee (or editorial board), regular or affiliated, can be nominated for an award from that committee (or editorial board).

11. To report to the Board on the publications of the Society. 


The Publications Committee membership shall consists of: a Chairperson, a Managing Editor and at least four (4) other regular voting members including the President or the President’s delegate (ex-officio) and other non-voting ex-officio members as needed.

1 Chair+ 4 members
+ Managing Editor
+ other voting members as needed
+ President or President’s delegate (ex-officio)
+ other non-voting ex-officio members as needed

Guidelines for Editorial Searches

General Procedure

The Publications Committee of the Canadian Mathematical Society has the responsibility for recommending to the Board of Directors, through the Executive, the appointment of all editors-in-chief and associate editors for the Society’s publications.

Recognizing that the right candidates often need time to rearrange schedules and that editorial responsibilities usually require negotiation for reduced teaching and other forms of local support, notification of the need for a new editor should be given sufficiently far in advance so that an opening can be widely publicized and a recommendation made to the Board of Directors at least six months before an appointment must be made.

All vacancies in Society’s editorial positions should be advertised with a firm deadline.

The normal procedures for editorial searches are as follows. In the event of a vacancy the same principles will apply but the time-frame may be compressed.

Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin

The Publications Committee should commence the search for new editors-in-chief at least 24 months before new editors are required to take office. The terms of appointment are normally five years.

  1. A call for editors-in-chief is to appear in at least three issues of the CMS Notes, commencing at least 18 months before new editors are required and so that the vacancy can be common knowledge at two semi-annual meetings of the Society. It is also appropriate that advertisements be sent to most mathematics departments in the country. The deadline for applications should be November 15.
  2. A suitable application for editorship should consist of a letter of formal application from the nominee to the Chair of the Publications Committee enclosing a curriculum vitae. Such a letter should contain an expression of the views on the publication in question and should indicate if any changes in direction or policy are contemplated. Since editorial responsibilities often necessitate a lessening of responsibilities in an individual’s normal work, applicants should indicate that they have the support of their university department and, in particular, of their head of department.
  3. A recommendation should be made to the Board of Directors at least six months in advance of an appointment. The recommendation is also to include a budget for the term of the appointment, provided by the proposed editors-in-chief. Budget estimates are to include secretarial and all other office overhead costs. 

The following is a suggested timetable for conducting the search leading to the appointment of the Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, assuming that the term of office commences January 1.

CMS Notes – Call for NominationsMay, September, October (Deadlines given in CMS Notes)
Deadline for applicationsNovember 15
Decision by Publications CommitteeDecember
Transmittal to the CMS Executive CommitteeJanuary
Executive Committee ConsiderationApril
Board of Directors Consideration / ApprovalJune
Editors-in-Chief take officeJanuary 1

Associate Editors of the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian mathematical Bulletin

The Publications Committee should commence the search for new associate editors at least 12 months in advance. The terms of appointment are normally three years, with the possibility of renewal.

  1. A formal call for nominations should be made from the Editors-in-Chief of both the CJM and the CMB as well as from the members of the CMS. The deadline for nominations will normally be April 15. The names of candidates are to be submitted to the Publications Committee together with a curriculum vitae and the candidate’s agreement to serve.
  2. In addition to submitting the names of candidates, the Editors-in-Chief of the CJM and the CMB will also be asked to provide a statement indicating the number of editors needed, and subject areas that are currently underserved.
  3. In addition, the Editors-in-Chief of the CJM and the CMB will be asked if any existing associated editors should be renewed and will confirm in this case the candidate’s agreement to serve. Renewals will be based on past performance, evaluated via EIC recommendation, and will not require an updated CV.
  4. At a meeting of the Publications Committee in June, or within two months of the deadline for the call, nominations and proposed renewals will be considered. The Editors-in-Chief of the CJM and the CMB will be invited to attend the meeting so that their input can be considered.
  5. The Publications Committee will vote according to its agreed procedures and will forward its recommendations to the Board of Directors through the Executive Committee as soon as possible, usually by September 15.
  6. The Executive Committee will consider the nominations at its meeting next meeting, usually in October, and the Board of Directors will consider these nominations at its next meeting, usually in December. New associate editors would usually take office on January 1.

Editors-in-Chief of the CMS Notes, Crux Mathematicorum, the CMS-CAIMS Book Series and the ATOM Series

The Publications Committee should commence the search for new editors-in-chief at least 18 months in advance. The terms of appointment are normally five years.

  1. A call for editors-in-chief should be advertised at least three times in the CMS Notes, commencing at least 15 months before new editors-in-chief are required to take office. The deadline for applications should be November 15.
  2. Applications should consist of a letter of formal application indicating support of the enterprise from the local institution(s), an expression of the views on the publication and an indication if any changes in direction or policy are contemplated.
  3. A recommendation should be made to the Board of Directors at least six months in advance of an appointment. The recommendation is to include a budget for the term of the appointment, provided by the proposed editors-in-chief. Budget estimates are to include secretarial and all other office overhead costs.

The following is a suggested timetable for conducting the search leading to the appointment of the Editors-in-Chief of the CMS Notes, Crux Mathematicorum, the CMS-CAIMS Book Series and the ATOM Series.

CMS Notes – Call for NominationsMay, September, October (Deadlines given in CMS Notes)
Deadline for applicationsNovember 15
Decision by Publications CommitteeDecember
Transmittal to the CMS Executive CommitteeJanuary
Executive Committee ConsiderationApril
Board of Directors Consideration / ApprovalJune
Editors-in-Chief take officeJanuary 1

Members of the CMS Notes Editorial Board, the Crux Mathematicorum Editorial Board and the ATOM Series Editorial Board

The Publications Committee should contact the appropriate editors-in-chief at least 12 months in advance to request nominations for members of the CMS Notes Editorial Board, the Crux Mathematicorum Editorial Board and the ATOM Series Editorial Board.

The Publications Committee is responsible for appointing replacements subject to obtaining nominations from the editors-in-chief and, possibly, including a call for nominations. The terms of appointment for members of the CMS Notes Editorial Board are normally three years and for members of the Crux Mathematicorum Editorial Board and the ATOM Series Editorial Board they are normally five years and such that the terms are staggered. The Chair of the Publications Committee will notify the CMS Executive Director of all such appointments.

The Production Editor and Production Assistant of the CJM and CMB

The Production Editor’s role is to ensure that final versions of the accepted papers in CJM and CMB are consistent with CMS style protocol. The Production Editor is preferably a senior member of the society with experience in publications. The Production Editor will be helped by a production assistant and shall oversee and supervise the work done by the Production Assistant. The Production Assistant, is a Latex professional and is paid on an hourly basis.

The Executive Director is responsible for drafting a contract for the Production Assistant and the Production Editor is responsible for approving the number of hours of work done by the Production Assistant. Both positions are appointed by the Publications Committee, in consultation with the CMS Executive Director.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Production Editor of the CJM and CMB

  1. Receive all the copyrights, acceptance and other notifications and collect the copyright forms.
  2. Check the Latex file of the accepted papers, verify that the author used the CMS style file, and to ensure that the paper is consistent with the CMS standards.
  3. Check the title, running heads, abstract, and section heads to make sure usage (spelling, hyphenation) is consistent with the text.
  4. Edit to improve the overall quality only as needed.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Managing Editor of the CMS Publications

  1. The Managing Editor drafts the contract for the new Editors-in-Chief of CMB and CJM.
  2. The Managing Editor oversees the Editors-in-Chief of CMS Publications activities, enforces deadlines and reports any outstanding issues to the Publications Committee.
  3. The Managing Editor provides a report in status of the Society’s on-line publications to the Publications Committee.
  4. The Managing Editor shall report to the Publications Committee at each annual meeting.

CMS-CAIMS Books in Mathematics Editorial Board


Intellectual vision: The book series will include monographs and edited volumes. It will focus on areas where mathematical theory and methods and real-life applications come together in significant ways. Application areas are broad ranging, but include health sciences (e.g., epidemiology, cancer research, individualized medicine), industry (e.g., finance, operations research, problem solving), science (e.g., biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, physics, social sciences), and other related subjects. Books will be required to attain a high standard in both the mathematics and the applications areas. Special emphasis will be placed on emerging opportunities where substantial mathematical methods are providing significant new scientific insight.

Justification: Both CAIMS and CMS are interested in publishing high quality mathematics texts. The CMS already has a well-established and respected book series, but few applied mathematics books appear in this series. CAIMS is well connected to the applications areas, and is in a position to recruit authors and encourage submissions to the series. A successful series would develop synergies between CAIMS and CMS and grow the number of mathematics texts published through Canadian series.

Proposed Structure:

  • The CMS/CAIMS series would be part of the existing CMS series, published by Springer, but would have a distinct look that reflects the CAIMS participation, and would have a distinct Associate Editorial Board.
  • The Associate Editorial Board would consist of 6 Editors: 3 approved by CAIMS and 3 approved by CMS.
  • Revenues from the series that come to societies associated with the series would be split equally between CAIMS and CMS.

Terms of Reference

To ensure that books in the CMS/CAIMS Series are published in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors.

Books in the CMS/CAIMS Books in Mathematics series offer a collection of monographs and graduate-level textbooks in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, published in collaboration with a commercial publisher (Springer since 1999). Books in this series are meant to appeal to all mathematicians, whether pure or applied, whether students or researchers.

The Editors-in-Chief are appointed by, and accountable to, the Board of Directors of the Society. The associate editors are appointed by the Publications Committee. It is the responsibility of the Publications Committee to recommend to the Executive, for transmission to the Board, the appointment of the Editors-in-Chief. The procedures for the appointment of the Editors-in-Chief and the other members of the CMS/CAIMS Book Series Editorial Board are given in the ”Guidelines for Editorial Searches” in the Terms of Reference of the Publications Committee. The names of the Editors-in-Chief and the other members of the CMS/CAIMS Book Series Editorial Board shall appear in each of the volumes of the book series.

The purpose of the Associate Editors is to help attract first-rate manuscripts, to provide the Editors-in-Chief with advice concerning the quality of manuscripts and to provide such other advice as may be requested from time to time. The Editors-in-Chief are responsible for the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript, in consultation with commercial publisher’s editor responsible for the series.

The policy of the CMS/CAIMS Book Series is set by the Board of Directors, normally through recommendations from the Publications Committee, from the Editors-in-Chief of book series, or from its Editorial Board. The Editors-in-Chief can veto proposals of the Board by giving written notice to the Board through the President of the Society. Such a proposal, concerning matters of policy, if passed a second time by the Board within one year of the veto, becomes official policy and is not subject to further veto by the Editors-in-Chief.

The Managing Editor is responsible for overseeing the financial aspects of the CMS/CAIMS Book Series, as well as the collaboration with the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS) and the contract with the commercial publisher which specifies production, promotion, royalties, and related aspects of the CMS/CAIMS Book series.

Whenever legal advice is required, the Editors-in-Chief shall contact the President or the Executive Director.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Editors-in-Chief

  1. The Editors-in-Chief are responsible for receiving manuscripts, either through an associate editor, the commercial publisher, or directly from authors.
  2. The Editors-in-Chief and the associate editors shall strive to process manuscripts quickly. When an associate editor intends to be on leave, he/she should so inform the Editors-in-Chief and take reasonable measures to ensure that any manuscripts under his/her supervision be transferred to the Editor-in-Chief as soon as possible. When an Editor-in-Chief intends to be on leave, she/he must notify the co-Editor-in-Chief of the arrangements that have been made.
  3. Editorial decisions or recommendations that will have financial or administrative implications for the CMS must be discussed with the Managing Editor and the Chair of the Publications Committee.
  4. The Editors-in-Chief must provide an annual report detailing the status of operations and including such statistics as the number of books published, the release dates, as well as the number of manuscripts accepted for publication, projected release dates and other relevant information. A draft report is to be sent to the Chair of the Publications Committee and to the Managing Editor no later than December 1, and in final form by January 31.
  5. Any recommendation for changes in editorial policy is to be submitted to the Publications Committee which, after appropriate consultation, will submit a proposal to the Board of Directors, if appropriate.
  6. The CMS/CAIMS Book Series Editorial Board shall meet from time to time to discuss editorial policy and related matters.


The CMS Editorial Board for the CMS/CAIMS Book Series consists of two Editors-in-Chief, normally six associate editors and the CMS Managing Editor. The terms of the Editors-in-Chief shall be five (5) years and staggered. The terms of the associate editors shall be six (6) years and staggered.

Two Editors-in-Chief+ 6 Associate Editors (3 approved by CAIMS and 3 approved by CMS)
+ Managing Editor

Terms of Reference

To ensure that the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin are published in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors.


The Scientific Editorial Board for the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin consists of the Editors-in-Chief of each journal and associate editors who serve for both journals. The terms of the Editors-in-Chief shall be five years. The terms of the associate editors shall also be five years and staggered. All editors are appointed by, and accountable to, the Board of Directors of the Society. It is the responsibility of the Publications Committee to recommend to the Executive, for transmission to the Board, the appointment of all editors. The procedures for the appointment of editors-in-chief and associate editors are given in the “Guidelines for Editorial Searches” in the Terms of Reference of the Publications Committee. The names and affiliations of the Editors-in-Chief and the associate editors shall appear in each issue of the Journal and the Bulletin.

The purpose of the associate editors is to help attract first-rate papers, to provide the Editors-in-Chief of the CJM or the CMB with advice concerning the quality of manuscripts and suitable choices of referees, and to provide such other advice as may be requested from time to time. The Editors-in-Chief are encouraged to consult with the associate editors during the review of a manuscript. The Editors-in-Chief of the CJM or the CMB are responsible for the acceptance or rejection of submitted papers and their decision in such matters is final.

Concerning matters not directly related to the scientific merit of submitted papers (length of papers, Canadian content, copyright, page charges, subject areas to be emphasized or de-emphasized, etc.), the policy of each journal is set by the Board of Directors, normally through recommendations from the Publications Committee, from the Editors-in-Chief, or from the Scientific Editorial Board. Editors-in-Chief can veto proposals of the Board by giving written notice to the Board through the President of the Society. Such a proposal, concerning matters of policy, if passed a second time by the Board within one year of the veto, becomes official policy and is not subject to further veto by the Editors-in-Chief.

The non-scientific contents of the journals are solely the responsibility of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mathematical Society. The Executive Director is responsible for overseeing the financial operations of the two journals and, in consultation with the editors, assists in the nonscientific and production aspects of both journals.

Whenever legal advice is required, the Editors-in-Chief shall contact the President or the Executive Director.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Manuscripts may be submitted either to the Editors-in-Chief or to an associate editor. The recipient of a manuscript is responsible for acknowledging its receipt.
  2. The modus operandi of each associate editor shall be established by mutual agreement between that editor and the Editors-in-Chief of the two journals, with a view towards achieving the same working arrangement with each journal. Normally, there are two courses of action open to an associate editor who receives a manuscript:
      • The associate editor handles the paper.

        In this case, it is imperative that a copy of the manuscript and the date of its receipt be sent immediately to an editor-in-chief of the appropriate journal:

        The associate editor shall indicate her/his intent to commence the refereeing process and eventually shall transfer to the Editors-in-Chief the entire file concerning the paper, together with a referee’s report and advice as to how to deal with the paper.

      • The Editors-in-Chief process the manuscript.

        In this case, the associate editor shall transfer the manuscript promptly to an Editor-in-Chief of the appropriate journal together with a recommendation of a suitable referee or advice to reject. If the advice is to reject, the associate editor shall provide, for the author’s benefit, some statement giving the grounds for rejection.

  3. Associate editors and editors-in-chief shall strive to process manuscripts quickly. When an associate editor intends to be on leave, he/she must so inform the Editors-in-Chief and take reasonable measures to ensure that manuscripts submitted in his/her absence are transferred to the Editors-in-Chief as soon as possible. When an editor-in-chief intends to be on leave, she/he must notify the CMS Executive Director of the arrangements that have been made.
  4. Editorial decisions or recommendations that will have financial or administrative implications on either journal must be discussed with the Executive Director and the Chair of the Publications Committee.
  5. Editors-in-Chief are expected to ensure that their editorial offices operate within the budget approved by the Board of Directors. Budget proposals for the next financial year are to be submitted to the Executive Director by August 15. Budget projections must also include estimates for the number of pages per issue for the next three volume years.
  6. Editors-in-Chief of the CJM and the CMB must provide an annual report, detailing the status of operations and including such statistics as acceptance rates, the number of papers published in the previous volume year as well as backlog and other relevant information. A draft report is to be sent to the Chair of the Publications Committee and to the Executive Director no later than December 1, and in final form by January 31.
  7. Any recommendation for changes in editorial policy is to be submitted to the Publications Committee which, after appropriate consultation, will submit a proposal to the Board of Directors, if appropriate.
  8. The Scientific Editorial Board shall meet virtually or in person from time to time to discuss editorial policy for the two journals and related matters.


The Scientific Editorial Board consists of:

the 2 Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Mathematics+ the 2 Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian mathematical Bulletin
+ Associate Editors

(The number of associate editors, shall be such as to represent a reasonable cross-section of current mathematical research).

Terms of Reference

To ensure that Crux Mathematicorum (CRUX) is published in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors.


The Crux Mathematicorum Editorial Board (CMEB) consists of the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Olympiad Editors, the Managing Editor and normally eight other members. The term of the Editor-in-Chief shall be five years. The terms of the other members of the CMEB shall also be five years and staggered. The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by, and accountable to the Board of Directors. The other members of the CMEB are appointed by the Publications Committee. It is the responsibility of the Publications Committee to recommend to the Executive, for transmission to the Board, the appointment of the Editor-in-Chief. The procedures for the appointment of the Editor-in-Chief and the other members of the CMEB are given in the “Guidelines for Editorial Searches” in the Terms of Reference of the Publications Committee. The names and addresses of the Editor-in-Chief and the other members of the CMEB shall appear in each issue of CRUX.

The purpose of the other members of the Editorial Board is to help the Editor-in Chief with various aspects of the content of CRUX and to provide such other advice as may be requested from time to time. The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the other members of the Editorial Board, are responsible for determining the content of CRUX. The decisions of the Editor-in-Chief in such matters are final.

The policy of CRUX is set by the Board of Directors, normally through recommendations from the Publications Committee, from the Editor-in-Chief, or from the CMEB. The Editor-in-Chief can veto proposals of the Board by giving written notice to the Board through the President of the Society. Such a proposal, concerning matters of policy, if passed a second time by the Board within one year of the veto, becomes official policy and is not subject to further veto by the Editor-in-Chief.

The Managing Editor is responsible for overseeing the financial operations of CRUX and, in consultation with the Editors-in-Chief, assists in the production and related aspects of CRUX.

Whenever legal advice is required, the Editor-in-Chief shall contact the President or the Executive Director.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Problems and solutions are submitted online and triaged by Editor-in-Chief.
  2. Members of the Editorial Board will provide the Editor-in-Chief with assistance in reviewing the problems submitted, for suggestions regarding solutions, and for other assistance as may be requested by the Editor-in-Chief.
  3. One member of the Editorial Board will be responsible for the submission of appropriate Book Reviews to the Editor-in-Chief.
  4. One member of the Editorial Board will be responsible for the submission of relevant articles to the Editor-in-Chief.
  5. The Editor-in-Chief shall strive to process the material submitted in such a way as to meet the production schedule. When an editor-in-chief intends to be on leave, he/she must notify the Managing Editor of the arrangements that have been made.
  6. Editorial decisions or recommendations that will have financial or administrative implications must be discussed with the Managing Editor and the Chair of the Publications Committee.
  7. The Editor-in-Chief is expected to ensure that the editorial office operates within the budget approved by the Board of Directors. Budget proposals for the next financial year are to be submitted to the Managing Editor by August 15. If any changes in the number of pages per issue are contemplated this should be included in the budget projections.
  8. The Editor-in-Chief must provide an annual report regarding the status of the publication, including the areas and level of the problems submitted, projected production schedule, backlog information, and other relevant details. This report is to be sent to the Chair of the Publications Committee and to the Managing Editor by January 31.
  9. Any recommendation for changes in editorial policy is to be submitted to the Publications Committee which, after appropriate consultation, will submit a proposal to the Board of Directors, if appropriate.
  10. The Crux Mathematicorum Editorial Board shall meet virtually or in person from time to time to discuss editorial policy and related matters.


The Crux Mathematicorum Editorial Board consists of:

the Editor-in-Chief+ the Associate Editor (minimum 3 positions)
+ the Olympiad Editor(s)
+ the MathemAttic Editor(s)
+ the Editorial Assistant
+ the Editor at Large
+ the Book Reviews Editor
+ the Managing Editor
+ other members

(The number of other members of the CMEB, shall be such as to provide a reasonable cross-section of the scope of CRUX.)

Terms of Reference

To ensure that booklets in the A Taste of Mathematics (ATOM) Series are published in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors.


Booklets in the ATOM Series are designed to provide enrichment materials for high school students with an interest in and an aptitude for mathematics. Some booklets in the series will also cover the materials useful for mathematical competitions at national and international levels. Wherever feasible, booklets will be published both in English and in French (tumbled).

The Editorial Board for the ATOM Series consists of the Editor-in-Chief, normally four associate editors and the CMS Managing Editor. The term of the Editor-in-Chief shall be five years. The terms of the associate editors shall also be five years and staggered. The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by, and accountable to, the Board of Directors of the Society. The associate editors are appointed by the Publications Committee. It is the responsibility of the Publications Committee to recommend to the Executive, for transmission to the Board, the appointment of the Editor-in-Chief. The procedures for the appointment of the Editor-in-Chief and the other members of the ATOM Series Editorial Board are given in the “Guidelines for Editorial Searches” in the Terms of Reference of the Publications Committee. The names and addresses of the Editor-in-Chief and the other members of the ATOM Series Editorial Board shall appear in each of the booklets in the ATOM Series.

The purpose of the associate editors is to help attract first-rate manuscripts, to provide the Editor-in-Chief with advice concerning the quality of manuscripts and to provide such other advice as may be requested from time to time. The Editor-in-Chief must consult with the associate editors during the review of a manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript and his/her decision is final.

The policy of the ATOM Series is set by the Board of Directors, normally through recommendations from the Publications Committee, from the Editor-in-Chief of ATOM Series, or from the ATOM Series Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief can veto proposals of the Board by giving written notice to the Board through the President of the Society. Such a proposal, concerning matters of policy, if passed a second time by the Board within one year of the veto, becomes official policy and is not subject to further veto by the Editor-in-Chief.

The Managing Editor is responsible for overseeing the financial operations of booklets in the ATOM Series and, in consultation with the Editors-in-Chief, assists in the production, promotion and related aspects of the ATOM Series.

A member of the ATOM Series Editorial Board will be an ex-officio member of the Education Committee and the Mathematical Competitions Committee.

Whenever legal advice is required, the Editor-in-Chief shall contact the President or the Executive Director.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, who is responsible for acknowledging receipt.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief shall decide which member of the ATOM Series Editorial Board shall deal with a particular manuscript.
  3. The Editor-in-Chief and the associate editors shall strive to process manuscripts quickly. When an associate editor intends to be on leave, he/she should so inform the Editor-in-Chief and take reasonable measures to ensure that manuscripts under his/her supervision are transferred to the Editor-in-Chief as soon as possible. When the Editor-in-Chief intends to be on leave, he/she must notify the Managing Editor of the arrangements that have been made.
  4. Editorial decisions or recommendations that will have financial or administrative implications on the ATOM Series must be discussed with the Managing Editor and the Chair of the Publications Committee.
  5. The Editor-in-Chief is expected to ensure that the editorial office operates within the budget approved by the Board of Directors. Budget proposals for the next financial year are to be submitted to the Managing Editor by August 15. Budget projections must also include estimates on the number of booklets to be published in the next three years.
  6. The Editor-in-Chief of the ATOM Series must provide an annual report detailing the status of operations and including such statistics as the number of booklets published, the release dates, as well as the number of manuscripts accepted for publication, projected release dates and other relevant information. A draft report is to be sent to the Chair of the Publications Committee and to the Managing Editor no later than December 1, and in final form by January 31.
  7. Any recommendation for changes in editorial policy is to be submitted to the Publications Committee which, after appropriate consultation, will submit a proposal to the Board of Directors, if appropriate.
  8. The ATOM Series Editorial Board shall meet virtually or in person from time to time to discuss editorial policy and related matters.


The ATOM Series Editorial Board consists of:

Editor-in-Chief of the ATOM Series+ normally four Associate Editors
+ Managing Editor

Terms of Reference

The Reconciliation in Mathematics Committee (RMC) is responsible for (i) coordinating the contributions of the mathematical community to the reconciliation process, and for (ii) devising a strategy to eliminate educational and employment gaps in mathematics between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. In consultation with Education Committee, organize or ensure an annual regular session on activities around Truth and Reconciliation and/or Indigenous scholarship in mathematical sciences.
  2. Develop a repository of, and links to activities that have been developed over time on subjects relevant to Truth and Reconciliation in mathematics. This should be coordinated on a website.
  3. Impart information for Indigenous education, including scholarships, competitions and opportunities.
  4. Find and promote methods to identify and develop a Truth and Reconciliation in mathematics community at all levels (from school to PhD) in Canada.
  5. Develop and promote collaborations with the local and national Indigenous communities in Canada.
  6. Develop a regular conference on Truth and Reconciliation in mathematics in Canada.
  7. Promote regular seminars/conferences/workshops through CMS Conferences/CMS Summer schools and external agencies (e.g., the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences [PIMS]).
  8. Ensure that CMS support is acknowledged in any published or other materials arising from a CMS funded proposal.
  9. Develop plans for funding and promoting a national training program that provides orientation towards the response for mathematics in Canada to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


In addition to the Chair, the RMC will consist of six other voting members appointed for four-year terms and such that the terms are staggered and at least two (2) ex-officio non-voting members, including a President’s delegate and the Chair of the Education Committee. It is important that members of the RMC represent geographic, linguistic and gender issues and also that members of the RMC are familiar with the Society’s activities in research, publishing and education in the Indigenous community.

1 Chair+ 6 members
+ other members as needed
+ President’s delegate (ex-officio)
+ Chair or a member of the Education Committee (ex-officio)
+ other ex-officio members as needed

Terms of Reference

To oversee, in accordance with the policies determined by the Board of Directors, the research activities of the Society. To consider other matters of a research nature which concern mathematics and/or the Society. The committee should meet in person or virtually before each CMS semi annual meetings, at least twice per year.


The Research Committee is responsible for the soliciting and refereeing process for the Society’s Prize Lectureships. A member of the Research Committee will also be appointed to be the Chair of the Doctoral Prize Selection Committee. The organizers of CMS conferences are accountable to the Board of Directors. The Research Committee, however, is not accountable for the actions of an organizer.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To encourage and promote a varied and high quality programme of research activities.
  2. To review proposed changes in research activity policy.
  3. To recommend to the Board the implementation of new policies with respect to the various research activities.
  4. To ensure that conferences held under the auspices of the CMS are conducted in accordance with the regulations and policies of the CMS and, if applicable, those of other granting agencies.
  5. To advise the Executive Committee on the appointment of the Scientific Directors for each semi-annual meeting.
  6. In consultation with the Scientific Directors, to advise the Executive Committee on the appointment of the Scientific Organizing Committee for each semi-annual meeting.
  7. In consultation with the Scientific Directors, to ensure that a Local Organizer is appointed to the Scientific Organizing Committee.
  8. In consultation with the Scientific Directors , to review and approve the core research sessions and plenary speakers for each semi-annual meeting.
  9. To solicit proposals for additional research sessions for the Society’s semi-annual meetings through the CMS Notes, CMath and elsewhere, as appropriate, and review them in consultation with the Scientific Directors.
  10. To review documents related to the CMS meetings and to make recommendations as necessary.
    • To select the candidate for each prize lectureship at least 6 months in advance of the meeting at which the prize lecture is to be given.
    • To communicate the Committee’s decision and the total number of nominations, together with appropriate biographical and citation material, to the President and to the Executive Director. The President of the CMS writes the official letter to the selected candidate. The Chair will also informally notify the recipient unless it is more desirable that this is done by the President. The recipient is to be advised that the decision is to remain confidential until the Society officially releases the name of the recipient.
  11. To appoint a CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize Selection Committee (DPSC) as a sub-committee of the Research Committee consisting of four members, each for two-year terms. The Chair of the DPSC is to be a member of the Research Committee but the other three members of the DPSC need not be members of the Research Committee. The duties of the DPSC are:
    • In cooperation with the CMS Executive Office, to produce bilingual promotional materials related to the CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize and ensure that appropriate information is distributed and that calls for nominations appear in the October, November and December issues of the CMS Notes (with January 31 as the deadline for nominations).
    • To receive copies of all nominations and to select the recipient for the CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize at least six months in advance of the meeting at which the Prize will be presented. To communicate the Committee’s decision, together with appropriate biographical and citation material, to the President and to the Executive Director. The President of the CMS writes the official letter to the selected candidate. The Chair will also informally notify the recipient unless it is more desirable that this is done by the President. The recipient is to be advised that the decision is to remain confidential until the Society officially releases the name of the recipient.
    • In consultation with the Executive Office, to arrange for the Prize to be presented at the CMS Winter meeting and to also consult with the Chair of the Programme Committee for the recipient to present a plenary lecture.
  12. To report to the Board on the Society’s various research activities.

Description of the Prizes and the Call for Nominations

  1. The Jeffery-Williams Prize recognizes mathematicians who have made outstanding and sustained contributions to mathematical research. The prize lecture will be delivered at the Summer meeting. The recipient shall be a member of the Canadian mathematical community. A nomination can be updated and will remain active for three years.
  2. The Coxeter-James Prize recognizes young mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions to mathematical research. The selected candidate will deliver the prize lecture at the Winter meeting.The recipient shall be a member of the Canadian mathematical community. Nominations may be made up to ten years from the candidate’s Ph.D: A nomination can be updated and will remain active for a second year unless the original nomination is made in the tenth year from the candidate’s Ph.D.
  3. The Krieger-Nelson Prize recognizes outstanding research by a female mathematician. The prize lecture will be delivered at the Summer meeting. The recipient shall be a member of the Canadian mathematical community. A nomination can be updated and will remain active for two years. CMS aims to promote and celebrate diversity in the broadest sense. We strongly encourage department chairs and nominating committees to put forward nominations for outstanding colleagues for research in the mathematical sciences not limited to women, visible minorities, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.
  4. The Cathleen Synge Morawetz Prize is awarded to an author (or authors) of an outstanding research publication. A series of closely related publications can be considered if they are clearly connected and focused on the same topic. At least one author of any nominated paper should be part of the Canadian Mathematical community. The recipient(s) will receive a commemorative plaque.

    The Cathleen Synge Morawetz Prize will be awarded according to the following 6-year rotation of subject areas:

    • Probability and Mathematical Physics (2024, and every six years thereafter),
    • Algebra, Number theory, Algebraic geometry (2025, and every six years thereafter),
    • Analysis and Dynamical systems (2026, and every six years thereafter).
    • Geometry and Topology (2027, and every six years thereafter),
    • Combinatorics, Discrete mathematics, Logic and foundations, and Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science (2028 , and every six years thereafter),
    • Applied mathematics, including but not limited to Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Control Theory and Optimization, and Applications of Mathematics in Science and Technology (2029, and every six years thereafter),

    All of the above fields will be understood most broadly, to ensure that any outstanding publication can be considered under at least one of the categories. A paper (or a series of papers) which has significantly impacted more than one of the listed fields can be nominated more than once in the six-year rotation.  The nomination must focus on a single topic, rather than a broad body of work by the nominee.

  5. The CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize recognizes outstanding performance by a doctoral student. The prize is awarded to one or two recipients of a Ph.D. from a Canadian university whose overall performance in graduate school is judged to be the most outstanding. Although the dissertation will be the most important criterion (the impact of the results, the creativity of the work, the quality of exposition, etc.) it will not be the only one. Other publications, activities in support of students and other accomplishments will also be considered. Nominations that were not successful in the first competition, will be kept active for a further year (with no possibility of updating the file) and will be considered by the Doctoral Prize Selection Committee in the following year’s competition.The CMS Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize consists of a framed certificate, an award of $2,000, a two-year membership with the CMS, and the opportunity to present a plenary lecture at a CMS meeting.

A candidate can be nominated for more than one research prize in the applicable categories; several candidates from the same institution can be nominated for the same research prize.

CMS research prizes are gender-neutral, except for the Krieger-Nelson prize, which is awarded to women only. Nominations of eligible women for the general research prizes in addition to the Krieger-Nelson Prize are strongly encouraged.

Nominations for the Jeffery-Williams, Coxeter-James, Krieger-Nelson and Cathleen Synge Morawetz Prizes

The Research Committee of the CMS reserves the right to consider a nomination for one of four research prizes for any other, applicable prize. The deadline for nominations is September 30 of each year. Nominations and reference letters shall be submitted electronically, preferably in PDF format, by the appropriate deadline, to to the CMS. Nominators shall ask at least three referees to submit letters directly to the CMS by September 30. Some arms length referees are strongly encouraged. Nomination letters shall list the chosen referees, and should include a recent curriculum vitae for the nominee, if available.

The CMS affirms its commitment to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusivity.  In forming any prize selection (sub)committee, chairs will consider appointing external members, and will communicate the composition of the subcommittee to the Executive before the application deadline.

Furthermore, no members of a committee, regular or affiliated, can be nominated for an award from that committee.

Nominations for the Blair Spearman Doctoral Prize

CMS aims to promote and celebrate diversity in the broadest sense. We strongly encourage department chairs and nominating committees to put forward nominations for outstanding colleagues for research in the mathematical sciences not limited to women, visible minorities, Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

Candidates must be nominated by their university and the nominator is responsible for preparing the documentation described below, and submitting the nomination to the address below. The deadline for the receipt of nominations is January 31.

The documentation shall consist of:

    1. A curriculum vitae prepared by the student.
    2. A resume of the student’s work written by the student and which must not exceed ten pages. The resume should include a brief description of the thesis and why it is important, as well as of any other contributions made by the student while a doctoral student.
    3. Three letters of recommendation of which one should be from the thesis advisor and one from an external reviewer. A copy of the external examiner’s report may be substituted for the latter. More than three letters of recommendation are not accepted.

All documentation, including letters of recommendation, should be submitted electronically, preferably in PDF format, by the appropriate deadline, to the CMS office.


1 Chair+ 5 members
+ President’s delegate (ex-officio)


Promote the engagement of post-secondary mathematics students with the Canadian mathematics community and especially with the CMS.


Develop and manage a CMS post-secondary mathematics University Student Program (USP) that contains such elements as:

  1. Disseminating information within the student community through multiple means, such as e-mail lists, an accessible website, a newsletter, etc.;
  2. Overseeing and, as required, staging student-related activities, particularly at the CMS meeting. These activities may include poster sessions, panel discussions, seminars, workshops, awards, socials, and employment-related initiatives;
  3. Overseeing the administration of annual conferences and/or meetings, in particular the Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (CUMC), including budgeting and funding; and
  4. Appointing students to administer specific student committee affairs, such as a web master or a newsletter editor.

Represent student interests within the CMS by:

  1. Engaging in an active dialogue with students in all regions of Canada;
  2. Providing advice and guidance to the CMS and the CMS committees on student-related matters;
  3. Promoting student membership in the CMS;
  4. Participating on the CMS Board of Directors and, as required, CMS committees; and
  5. Recommending student nominees for the Student Committee and the CMS Board of Directors and, as required, to committees and other groups.

Report on the CMS USP by:

  1. Preparing committee meeting agendas and minutes;
  2. Preparing an annual CMS USP yearly forecast and budget for submission to the Chair, Finance Committee and the Executive Director of the CMS; and
  3. Preparing a CMS USP annual report for submission to the CMS Executive Director for inclusion in the CMS Annual Report.

Committee Membership

The CMS Student Committee will have no less than six (6) members constituted as follows:

  1. A student Chair (or 2 student co-Chairs with staggered terms);
  2. No fewer than 3 other student or post-doctoral fellow (possibly in transition between studies for a term no longer than 6 months) members;
  3. A Student Director;
  4. A Faculty Advisor;
  5. CUMC President (non-voting, ex-officio); and
  6. Executive Director of the CMS (non-voting, ex-officio).

Student and post-doctoral fellow members of the committee shall represent at least three (3) out of the five (5) regions of Canada (Pacific, West, Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic).

Student and post-doc members of the committee shall be members of the CMS.

All voting members shall normally be appointed for a term of two (2) years; however, a term may be less than two (2) years to facilitate staggered appointments.

Any member may withdraw from the Committee by sending a written resignation to a Student Committee Chair.

If a member is incapable of performing their duties (cannot continue their work for a significant part of the term, have not made any progress on the project(s) assigned, have missed a CMS meeting (see section 4.2) without providing acceptable cause, have missed multiple votes, etc.), the petition regarding their removal will be presented to the CMS Board of Directors, where the decision to rescind, cancel or terminate the appointment will be made. The said petition has to be signed by at least a majority of StudC members, including a Chair, before being presented to the Board. The member in question has to be informed of the petition at least two (2) weeks before the meeting at which the decision will take place and may follow up with a written appeal to be presented to the Board.

Committee Operations

Meetings will be convened at the call of the Chair (or co-Chairs).

The committee should meet in person at every CMS meeting, minimum once per year.

For the purposes of decision-making, quorum is a simple majority of voting members.


These Terms of Reference may be amended by recommendation from the Chair (or co-Chairs) to the Executive Committee, who may then recommend an amendment for approval by the CMS Board of Directors.

Any Student Committee matter that may have legal considerations shall be referred to the Executive Director of the CMS.

Terms of Reference

The Women in Mathematics Committee is responsible for monitoring the position and interests of women and gender minorities in mathematics in Canada and in the Society; to recommend actions to the Board of Directors which will assure equitable treatment of women in the mathematical community; and to encourage participation of women and gender minorities in mathematics at all levels.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. To establish and maintain, on behalf of the Society, liaison with national and international organizations concerned with the participation of women and gender minorities in mathematics and other areas of science.
  2. To monitor the position of women and gender minorities within the Society, to advise of any actions necessary to ensure gender equity, and to facilitate the involvement of women at all levels of the Society.
  3. To organize networking and mentoring activities that support women and gender minorities in their careers in mathematics research and teaching.
  4. To report to the Board on issues of interest to women and gender minorities in mathematics and to make recommendations that will increase the number of women and gender minorities in mathematics at all levels.


1 Chair+ 1 member from each of the five regions of Canada
+ President’s delegate (ex-officio)