Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 48, No. 6
June, 2022
311 MathemAttic Problems: A Guide
312 MathemAttic: No. 36
312 Problems: MA175–MA180
315 Solutions: MA151–MA155
319 Telescoping sums — Alex Bloom
325 Teaching Problems: No. 17 — John McLoughlin & Elias Brettler
327 Nerdle: A Variant of WORDLE for Math Enthusiasts — Doddy Kastanya
332 From the bookshelf of . . . — Veselin Jungic
335 Olympiad Corner: No. 404
335 Problems: OC585–OC590
337 Solutions: OC561–OC565
342 Two more proofs of the Inequality −1 < cos A cos B cos C ≤ 1/8 — Abbas Galehpour Aghdam
347 Problems: 4751–4760
352 Solutions: 4701–4710
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