Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 38, No. 8
October, 2012
305 Editorial — Shawn Godin
306 Mathematical Mayhem Solutions M501 - M506 — Shawn Godin
314 The Contest Corner: No. 8 [CC36 - CC40] — Shawn Godin
316 The Olympiad Corner: No. 306 — Nicolae Strungaru
316 Problems: OC96 - OC100
317 Solutions: OC36 - OC40
325 Book Reviews — Amar Sodhi
328 Problem Solver's Toolkit: No. 2 — Shawn Godin
331 Recurring Crux Configurations 8 — J. Chris Fisher
334 Problems: 3771 - 3780
338 Solutions: 210, 3653, 3671 - 3675, 3677 - 3680
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