Crux Mathematicorum
Vol. 30, No. 8
December, 2004
449 Skoliad: No. 82 — Shawn Godin
460 Mathematical Mayhem: — Shawn Godin
460 Mayhem Problems M151, M169-175
463 Mayhem Solutions: M106-M118
471 Mayhem Problem of the Month — Ian VanderBurgh
473 Pólya's Paragon: Triangular Tidbits (Part 2) — Shawn Godin
475 Mayhem Year End Wrap Up — Shawn Godin
476 The Olympiad Corner: No. 242 — R.E. Woodrow
495 Book Review — John McLoughlin
497 The Triangle: A Parametric Description — K.R.S. Sastry
502 Problems: 2988-3000
510 Solutions: 2845, 2881-2900
536 YEAR END FINALE and INDEX — Jim Totten
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