
Advancing – COMC 2023

Advancing to Invitational Competitions

Students with the top COMC scores can earn invitations to higher-level mathematics competitions, including the Canadian Math Olympiad (CMO) and its qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR).

The CMO and Repêchage are intended for top student mathematicians interested in representing Canada at the International Math Olympiad (IMO) as part of Math Team Canada or other invitational international competitions, such as the European Girls’ Mathematics Competition (EGMO). 

Official participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, regardless of where they currently live.

COMC 2023 Participants Who Can Expect an Invitation

A – Q

Agarwal, Ansh (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
An, Alex (Collingwood School)
Bai, Aidan (Ingenius STEAM)
Bai, Ryan (Ingenius STEAM)
Chen, Jeffrey (David Thompson Secondary)
Chen, Rachel (Marlborough School)
Chen, Yixuan Daniel (Oakville Trafalgar High School)
Cui, Max (Sir Winston Churchill Secondary)
Dai, Jeremy (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Ding, Qixuan (Sir Winton Churchill High School)
Dong, Paul (Western Canada High School)
Doyle, John (Phillips Academy)
Fu, Yuxin (TT Math School)
Fu, Yuyang (St. George’s School)
Gao, Maxwell (McMath Secondary School)
Gavrus, David (College Jean-de-Brebeuf)
Gu, Hanson (TT Math School)
Han, Aaron (Fraser Heights Secondary)
Hao, Jackie (Elgin Park Secondary)
He, Junming (Glenlyon Norfolk School)
Hong, Liang (Point Grey Secondary School)
Hu, Jeffrey (St. Robert Catholic High School)
Hu, Ziji (Halifax West High School)
Huang, Alyn (William Lyon Mackenzie CI)
Huang, Hongyi (Upper Canada College)
Ivanescu, Mark (Archbishop MacDonald)
Jiang, Nanxi (Carleton University – Math Enrichment Centre)
Joo, Robert (Phillips Exeter Academy)
Kang, Dorian (Sacred Heart Catholic High School)
Kimura, Haruka H (TT Math School)
Kuang, Yuhan (Pickering College)
Kutakh, Matthew (Trinity College School)
Li, Christopher (TT Math School)
Li, Chunchao Gary (Mulgrave School)
Li, Elaine (University of Toronto Schools)
Li, Fenghua (John Abbott College)
Li, Joey Yizhi (Shanghai High School International Division)
Li, Michael (Iroquois Ridge HS)
Li, Tiger (TT Math School)
Li, Travis (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)
Li, Zander (Laurel Heights Secondary School)
Liang, Ruilin (Metropolitan Preparatory Academy)
Liu, Jialin (Halifax Grammar School)
Liu, Jianuo (Meadowridge School)
Liu, Jiaqi (Halifax Grammar School)
Liu, Jiayu (The Peddie School)
Long, Zhou (Westmount Charter School)
Lu, Bochen (Appleby College)
Lu, Isaac (Ivy Path School)
Luo, Yuzhong (Port Moody Secondary)
Ma, Katie (The Woodlands Secondary School)
Ng, Austin (David Thompson Secondary)
Ng, Darien (Sir Winton Churchill High School)
Ouyang, Raymond (William Lyon Mackenzie CI)
Peng, Zhikun (Ivy Golden Union Education Group Inc.)
Philip, Tom (William Lyon Mackenzie CI)
Pu, Grace (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Pu, Peter (Ivy Path School)
Qiao, Ryan (JN Burnett Secondary)
Qiu, James (University of Toronto Schools)
Qu, Greta (Olympiads School)
Qu, Owen (West Point Grey Academy)

R – Z

Ran, Charles (LinkedKey)
Reitenbach, Blake (Yorkton Regional High School)
Rozsa, Balint (Bloor Collegiate Institute)
Sarca, Victor (William Lyon Mackenzie CI)
Shashaani, Sam (Richmond Hill High School)
Shen, Ailsa (Western Canada High School)
Shen, Zhekai (Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated to SISU)
Song, James (University of Toronto Schools)
Sun, Jason (Iroquois Ridge HS)
Sun, Kiran (St. George’s School)
Sun, Michael (Appleby College)
Tang, Andy (Hillfield Strathallan College)
Wang, Anji (Carleton University – Math Enrichment Centre)
Wang, Hedong (Pinetree Secondary School)
Wang, Ian (TT Math School)
Wang, Jack (St.George’s Senior school)
Wang, Jeffrey (Pinetree Secondary School)
Wang, Lucas (Burnaby North Secondary)
Wang, Marven (Bayview Secondary School)
Wang, Matthew (Grandview Heights)
Wang, Patrick (Ivy Path School)
Wang, Zheng (Iroquois Ridge HS)
Wu, Carol (Port Moody Secondary)
Wu, Emily (Jaya International High School)
Wu, Han (Southridge School)
Wu, Ivan (Bayview Secondary School)
Wu, Leo (Bayview Secondary School)
Wu, Yu (Amberson High School)
Xing, Honjar (Olympiads School)
Xu, Daniel (Carleton University – Math Enrichment Centre)
Xu, Kevin (Lillian Osborne)
Xu, Thomas (Johnathan Academy)
Yan-Klassen, Tristan (Eric Hamber Secondary)
Yan, Darian (Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute)
Yang, Allen (University of Toronto Schools)
Yang, Nathan (St. Robert Catholic High School)
Yang, Pengjin (Lord Byng Secondary School)
Ye, Daniel (William Lyon Mackenzie CI)
Yu, Philip (Olympiads School)
Yu, River (Preston High School)
Yu, Sabrina Xinyang (TT Math School)
Yuan, Janice (Branksome Hall)
Yuan, Jimmy (Henry Wise Wood High School)
Yuan, Lancy (Pinetree Secondary School)
Zhang, Aidan (Iroquois Ridge HS)
Zhang, Amos (University of Toronto Schools)
Zhang, Erik (Lillian Osborne)
Zhang, Frederick (Upper Canada College)
Zhang, Jeffery (University of Toronto Schools)
Zhang, Jeremy (Richmond Hill High School)
Zhang, Jinghe (Walnut Grove Secondary)
Zhang, Kenny (St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School)
Zhang, Laura (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology)
Zhang, Zhirui (TT Math School)
Zhao, William (Dougherty Valley High School)
Zheng, Tony (Upper Canada College)
Zhou, Haolin (Shanghai Pinghe School)
Zhou, Leonardo (University Transition Program)
Zhu, Edward (Bayview Secondary School)
Zhu, Le han (Guelph CVI)

Top competitors who meet the CMO eligibility criteria and who scored 69/80 or higher on the 2023 COMC will be invited to participate in the CMO in March. Invitations to the CMO are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) between late January and late February.

See our CMO page for more details.

Eligible students who scored between 64/80 and 68.5/80 on the 2023 COMC, will be invited to participate in the Repêchage at the beginning of February. Invitations to the Repêchage are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) in mid January.

When the results for the Repêchage are determined, the top performers are then sent invitations to the CMO.

See our Repêchage page for more details.

The top COMC students who aren’t invited to the CMO, but who meet the eligibility criteria and are in Grade ten or earlier, may be invited to the CJMO.  Invitations to the CJMO are usually emailed to the student (and/or teacher) in late February.

The CMO page contains more information about the CJMO.