
Online Version – CJMC 2023

Online Version

How does the Online Version work?

How does the Online version of CJMC work?

  • The online version is designed to be supervised by an appropriate proctor (teacher), normally in-person in a class room.
  • The competitor students (as well as the proctor) have their own tablets or laptops to access the competition online.
  • The proctor/organizer receives unique coded Access Keys for each student to permit use of the online competition platform (called “WebTest”).  These are available through the school’s Portal.
  •  If your school has many students writing the competition online and you are breaking them into more than one room or at more than one time, you should contact us to arrange for multiple “sittings” (i.e. additional Proctor Keys and Sitting Codes)

Video Tutorial

Back in 2020 we created a video tutorial to introduce schools to how the online competition platform works for proctors and for students.

The video is still highly useful, even those some of the details and steps are slightly updated since then. Note that at the time, we used the original name “Canada Mathematical Gray Jay Competition” rather than the new name “Canada Jay Mathematics Competition”.

17min; View on Youtube

On Competition Day

Proctor arrives…

  • Proctor comes with Student Keys (and also their own Proctor Key), Sitting Code and the online platform URL.
  • Proctor logs into the online platform with the Sitting Code and the proctor’s own Proctor Key.
  • Proctor writes basic info on whiteboard or chalkboard: URL, Sitting Code, “No Calculators”, etc..

Students arrive….

  • Students assemble, get their devices prepared, put away phones, calculators, books, etc.
  • Proctor gives each student one unique Student Key and asks them to log in at to the online platform via the URL.
  • Students log in using their names, their own Student Key and the Sitting Code shared by the proctor.
  • Students enter their grade (year of schooling) and whether they are full-time students, then read the rules online.  Proctor may also go over the rules with students.

Running the competition…

  • Proctors give instructions, make sure everyone is ready, then Proctors press “Begin” on the Proctor Dashboard. Students’ computers then will display the first question of the competition.
  • Students have 90 minutes to complete the competition. They see all the questions on-screen and choose their multiple-choice responses on-screen. They can skip around between questions easily.
  • Students can finish the competition early if they wish. A “remaining time” countdown timer appears on screen all the time, although the Proctor may also announce time remaining.
  • When time runs out, all remaining students are locked out of making further changes and a “Finished” message appears.


  • After students have finished, the proctor must certify the students’ work by filling in a short online form called the Proctor Report (takes less than five minutes). It identifies which of the students appear to have obeyed the rules and not obviously cheated and which of them exhibited suspicious or noteworthy behaviour.
  • Without this certification, the students cannot be eligible as official competitors who may earn awards and prizes!

Emergency Offline Method: Failsafe

While we are confident our WebTest online platform will operate correctly as designed, we have a “Failsafe” emergency backup for you to use if you decide it’s needed.

If your group has significant problems starting (or completing) the online competition, we have prepared a paper-based replacement of the same questions for you. It is your call, as the proctor, to use this if you determine it to be required.

Here’s how it works:

  • All schools with Online orders will also be given, two days before the competition, access to PDF files containing all the materials necessary to hold the competition on paper. These files will be available in your Portal.
  • You will need to print out and distribute the bar-coded individualized Student Answer Sheets for your students (one “bubble sheet” per student).  These will usually have the students’ names pre-printed on them, if you entered these in your Student Roster earlier.
  • Each student will also need the questions.  You may also choose to print a copy of the question booklet for each student. Alternatively, you could download the question booklet PDF file ahead of time and then upload it to a school-based file server that the students can access on their screens. One way or the other, the students can either view the questions on paper or by accessing the PDF form of the questions on screen.
  • There is also a single-page Proctor Declaration so you can indicate the students’ adherence to academic integrity.
  • Clearly, you need to collect the Student Answer Sheets from the students at the end. Then you will need to scan them into a PDF file, and also scan your (completed) Proctor Declaration sheet into a separate PDF file. Upload these two files into the Upload area on your Portal, so that we have your students’ work and can mark it.
  • We also ask that if you find it necessary to switch from the online competition platform system to this Failsafe method, you email us to let us know what happened.